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PAGE 35 分布式电源在配电网中的应用 姓名:廖章帆 专业班级:电气三班 指导老师:顾民 摘要 分布式电源作为一种高效、可靠、经济的发电方式,近年来得到了国内外的广泛关注。分布式电源的快速发展给传统的电力系统注入了新的活力,同时也带来了新的挑战。但是由于分布式电源的接入,配电系统的结构由传统的单电源辐射网络转变为含有中小型电源的双电源或多电源网络,影响单电源情况下继电保护装置的配合,会对配电网的电流保护产生不利的影响。本文对分布式电源接入配电网中的影响及保护进行了研究应用。报告了分布式电源对线路的影响,本文采用了6节点的配电网对其进行了研究,主要分析分布式电源接入配电网中对线路的影响。最后用MATLAB仿真,仿真结果和计算结果进行比对,分析其中存在的差异性并进行研究,得出结论。 关键词:分布式电源;配电网;线路保护 Distributed power applications in the distribution network Abstract:Distributed power as an efficient, reliable and economical way to produce electricity, in recent years has been widespread concern at home and abroad. The rapid development of distributed power to the traditional power system has injected new vitality, but also brought new challenges. However, due to the access of distributed power, the structure of the distribution system from the traditional single power radiated into a network of small and medium containing dual power supply or power supply networks, affecting single-supply situation with the protection device, will feature current protection grid adversely affected. In this paper, distributed power distribution grid access and protection were the impact of research applications. Reported on the impact of distributed power on the line, we use six of its distribution network nodes have been studied, the main analysis distributed power distribution grid access on line effects. Finally, matlab simulation, simulation results and the calculated results were compared to analyze the differences which exist and conduct research, draw conclusions. Keywords: distributed power; distribution network; Line Protection 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc29008 摘要 PAGEREF _Toc29008 I HYPERLINK \l _Toc9168 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc9168 II HYPERLINK \l _Toc10732 第一章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc10732 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc29362 1.1 背景和意义 PAGEREF _Toc29362 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc11071 1.2 国内外配电网继电保护的发展现状 PAGEREF _Toc11071 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc7276 1.3、国内外分布式电源接入电网研究现状 PAGEREF _Toc7276 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc15892 1.4


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