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I I PAGE PAGE IV 摘 要 随着现代科技的进步,交通管理系统已朝着智能化和信息化的方向发展。作为交 通智能化的一个重要应用,车牌识别系统应运而生。车牌识别系统的核心是车牌字符识 别,而字符识别算法是车牌识别的研究重点。目前比较流行的车牌识别算法主要有模板 匹配算法,神经网络算法,支持向量机算法等。这些算法在特定条件下对车牌字符都有 不错的识别效果,但是在普通条件下,效果却不甚理想,存在普适性差的问题。因此, 车牌识别算法的普适性研究,对于车牌识别系统的广泛应用具有重要意义。 论文在研究分析现有算法的基础上,通过对算法的改进来提高算法的普适性。论文 主要研究工作如下: ⒈ 针对模板匹配算法中特征模板难以确定的问题,对模板的设置方法进行了探讨, 并通过实验得出了各规格模板的识别准确率和识别时间,最后经过比较分析,选择识别 率高,用时较短的模板作为特征模板。 ⒉ 针对 BP 神经网络算法训练时间长,收敛速度慢的问题,采用了改进的 BP 网络 算法。算法通过改进激活函数 Sigmoid 函数的输出范围,以减少收敛所需的循环次数, 从而有效的提高网络的收敛速度。 ⒊ 针对支持向量机算法复杂,核函数及其参数难以选择的问题,采用LIBSVM工具 箱构造SVM分类器,通过选取不同参数值对分类器进行训练,以确定合适的参数,从而 确保SVM算法的识别效果。 ⒋ 提出一种多分类算法组合的思想。算法主要将上述三种算法按照加权投票原则 进行组合,构造一个组合分类器,利用组合分类器进行分类。实验表明,组合分类器的 效果优于单个分类器,有较强的普适性。 ⒌ 基于多分类算法组合,在 VC++平台上设计实现了一个车牌识别系统。 关键词:车牌识别系统,特征提取,模板匹配,BP 神经网络,SVM,多分类算法 组合 Abstract With the development of the science, traffic management system has been more and more informatization and intelligentialize. License Plate Recognition System emerges as an important application in intelligent traffic. As we all know, license plate character recognition system is the core of the LPRS, so character recognition algorithm is the focus of LPRS. The popular algorithm mainly includes Template Matching, BP Neural Network, Support Vector Machines and so on.These three kinds of algorithm can be used to recognize license plate character in specific condition,but they can not have a good affect in common conditions, that is ,they have problems in universality. So study on universality of license plate recognition algorithm in LPRS is very important. In this article, I analysis and research these three kinds of algorithm, and then do some improvement on these algorithm to improv their universality. The conclusions are as follows: In the Template Matching algorithm, the template size is difficult to determine. Aiming to this problem, I set up some different template size to do experiment.In the experiment, I compare the three template recognition time and accuracy, then I choose the better template to do ex



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