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Study of Aerostatic Stability for Long-Span Cable Supported Bridge A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master Candidate:Hou Liming Supervisor:Prof. Li Jiawu Chang’an University, Xi’an, China 摘 要 随着桥梁跨径的不断增大,桥梁结构质量越来越轻、结构刚度越来越小、结构阻 尼越来越低,从而导致了对风致作用的敏感性越来越大。近年来风洞试验和研究成果 表明,大跨径缆索承重桥存在静风失稳的可能性,因此,有必要对大跨径缆索承重桥 的空气静力稳定性问题进行全面的研究。本文基于风洞试验测得的主梁静力三分力系 数,在综合考虑结构几何非线性和静风荷载非线性的基础上,对大跨径悬索桥以及大 跨径斜拉桥进行了静风失稳全过程分析,揭示了静风失稳的一般规律;通过改变参数 考察其对大跨径缆索承重桥静风稳定性的影响,得出在分析中必须考虑的因素和可以 忽略的因素,为大跨径桥梁的抗静风设计提了供依据与参考。本文主要进行了以下研 究工作: 1 介绍了大跨径桥梁静风稳定性分析的线性方法,阐述了大跨径桥梁静风稳定性分 析中的非线性因素,并重点介绍了静风稳定性分析的几种非线性方法; 2 基于大跨径桥梁非线性静风稳定性分析理论,本文在 ANSYS 中实现了静风稳定 性计算,利用 ANSYS 的 APDL 语言编制了相应的参数化程序,并对程序进行了通用 化,可适用于其它缆索承重桥静风稳定性分析; 3 通过主梁节段模型测力风洞试验测得虎门二桥主梁静力三分力系数,然后利用所 编程序对虎门二桥进行静风失稳全过程分析,并讨论了大跨径缆索承重桥静风失稳形 态及机理; 4 分别考察了三分力系数、初始风攻角、桥塔风荷载、缆索风荷载以及边跨风荷载 等参数对大跨径缆索承重桥静风稳定性的影响。 关键词:大跨径缆索承重桥,静风稳定,静风荷载,非线性,临界风速 Abstract With the increase of bridge span, the quality of bridge structure is getting lighter and lighter, structure stiffness getting smaller and smaller, structure damping getting lower and lower, which result in the sensitivity of wind-induced effect is increasing. In recent years, the wind tunnel tests and research results show that long-span cable supported bridges exist the possibility of aerostatic instability. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study on the aerostatic stability of long-span cable supported bridges. With comprehensive consideration of the nonlinearity of the structural geometry and static wind load, this paper used bridge deck’s aerostatic force coefficients measured by wind tunnel test to analyze the aerostatic stability for long-span cable supported bridges, and reveals the general law of aerostatic instability; by changing the parameter investigated its influence on the aerostatic stability of long-span cable supported bridges, and obtained must be considered factors and can be ignored factors in the analysis, which provide the basis and reference for the anti-static wind desi



peili2018 + 关注


