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摘要 摘要 万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 我国刑法总则中犯罪主体规定为自然人和法人,处罚对象也是自然人和法 人,然而在对自首的量刑情节上,自然人的自首是在单位自首之前出现在刑法 中,且目前刑法并没有对单位自首做出明确完善的规定。这就导致了单位自首 的相关理论都是以自然人自首为基础或作为参考,并没有形成单独的单位自首 制度,因此,单位自首从其主体、单位成员之间的自首关系以及单位自首后的 量刑等问题都存在缺陷,司法实践也因此出现了许多有待解决的问题。这大大 降低了刑法设立单位自首所要实现的法律效果和社会效果。 所以,笔者从五个方面对单位自首进行了浅析,希望能够对单位自首制度 的完善贡献一点微薄之力。第一部分是单位自首成立的依据,分为学理依据和 法律依据,而学理依据又分为肯定论和否定论,笔者赞成肯定论,并做了详细 的原因阐述。法律依据是通过现有法律条文和司法解释肯定了单位自首的存在。 第二部分是单位自首的构成要件,分为单位自首的主体、单位自首的意识、单 位自首的自动投案,单位自首的如实供述四个方面。第三部分是单位自首和单 位成员自首之间的关系。分为肯定论、否定论和资格论等理论,而笔者赞同折 中说,并详细进行了论述。第四部分是单位自首的处罚。分为单位犯罪刑事责 任的归责根据、单位自首的处罚两个方面。第五部分是单位自首的完善。分为 建立单位犯罪的刑罚制度、建立单位犯罪自首制度、财产刑的改革、增设资格 刑、建立单位犯罪公开制度五个方面。 关键词: 单位自首;单位犯罪;构成要件 II Abst Abstract ABSTRACT Crime subject provide natural person and legal person be based on the general provisions of the criminal law,The object of punishment is also a natural person and legal person,however,natural person surrenders is in the unit before appeared in the criminal law ,and Unit surrender in sentencing plot is not clearly stipulated in the criminal law.This leads to a result,which is surrender system did not form a separate unit ,because Unit surrender in related theory is based on natural person surrender or as a reference。So,Unit surrender are defective,These problems such as :subject of Unit surrender、sentencing of Unit surrender、The surrender of relationships between members of the unit,judicial practice also appeared many problems to be not solved. These will greatly reduces legal effect and social effect that criminal law set up Unit surrender in order to realize。 Therefore,Unit surrender is analyzed from five aspects by author, hoping to contribute to the improvement of the system of Unit surrender .The first part is on the basis of established units surrendered,which divided into academic basis and legal basis, and the academic basis is divided into Affirmation theory and negativism,The author in favor of affirmation theory , and expounded in detail,Legal basis is through the existing legal provisions and judici


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