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摘要 摘 要 Ab Abstract 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 摘 要 随着光伏电池成本的不断降低,家庭小型光伏并网发电系统正逐步走入千家万 户,与其配套的微逆变器的需求量也不断上升。如何进一步优化电路拓扑、提高微 逆变器的效率已成为研究热点。本文针对单块太阳能电池板研制了一款小型并网逆 变器,主要工作内容如下: (1) 介绍了微逆变器的研究现状,确定了所研究微逆变器的两级式主体结构。 (2) 设计了逆变器的前级电路。通过对多种拓扑的对比分析,选择了一种适用于 低电压、大电流场合的半桥电流馈入型 LLC 变换器作为逆变器前级拓扑; 通过与其类似的传统 LLC 变换器的对比分析和比较,研究了该新型变换器 的工作过程,推导了各部分模型;利用 Saber 仿真软件对其进行了稳定性分 析并做了相应的补偿设计;分析比较了几种常用的最大功率点跟踪(Maximu -m Power Point Tracking,简称 MPPT)算法,并选择了变步长的干扰观察法 作为本文的 MPPT 算法。 (3) 设计了逆变器的后级电路。选择了采用正弦脉宽调制的全桥逆变电路作为后 级,把直流逆变成正弦波交流电;设计了 LCL 滤波器,并运用电容电流内 环、并网电流外环的双环控制方式,实现了抑制其谐振尖峰和跟踪并网电流 的功能;为实现并网,研究了并网算法。 (4) 做了仿真及实验。利用 Saber 及 Matlab 进行了仿真;基于 Microchip 公司的 dsPIC30F2020,搭建了硬件电路,编写了程序,并给出了相应的实验结果和 分析。 关键词:光伏电池板;微逆变器;并网;电流馈入型 LLC I Abstract With the continuous decrease of PV panels production costs, household small PV systems are introduced into more and more peoples homes. The demand for relevant micro-inverters is increasing as well. The efficiency and appropriate topologies are hotspots of relevant researches. In this paper, a grid-connected inverter is designed for a single solar panel. The main contents of this paper are as follows: The status of current researches on the micro inverter was introduced. Two-stage structure was chosen for this inverter. Former stage of the inverter was designed. Through the comparison of various topologies, a new half bridge current fed LLC converter which is suitable to occasions with low input voltage and high input current was chosen as the former stages circuit. According to the comparison analysis with traditional LLC converter, the working principle and models of this new converter was proposed. The stability was analyzed through simulation by Saber and relevant compensation design was given. Several common maximum power point tracking algorithm was compared and analyzed. Variable step disturbance observation algorithm was chosen to be the MPPT algorithm of this paper. Latter stage of the inverter was designed. The full-bridge inverter with sinusoidal pulse wi



peili2018 + 关注


