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Delayed coking Coke Drum is a key device in delayed coking unit undertaking the important aspect of the petrochemical refining. With the increasing maturity of delayed coking technology, delayed coking equipment moves in the direction of large scale , long term and information technology. In order to narrow the gap with foreign petrochemical enterprises, Sinopec firmly works on long term operation of the device in recent years. Extending operation cycle and constantly raising the level of equipment long period running have become the significant measures of the equipment standard implementation, lower costs, and international competitiveness improving. Therefore, online security checks to the large Coke Drum to assess the security operation time, keep equipment safety, improve productivity, and enhance economic efficiency for enterprises will be of great significance. This article is based on the need of delayed coking equipment in Chinese petrochemical industry, researches on the 1400Mkg /a grade delayed coking coke drum designed and manufactured by SEI, and carries out the following work:
According to the existing studies theories of delayed coking coke drum and designed documents, inspection reports, monitoring data, provided by Sinopec Beijing Yanshan Company to analysis the bulging deformation, crack and other failure mechanisms of coke drum.
Study on coke drum structural deformation mode, stress and thermal shock process in the life cycle process by ANSYS.
Study on coke drum strength analysis method during multiphase flow thermal shock by ANSYS.
Study on delayed coking coke drum structure reliability and life-time evaluation method in multiphase flow thermal shock.
Research and develop the large scale coke drum structure reliability evaluation system based on ANSYS.
This paper researches on the 1400Mkg /a grade delayed coking coke drum, designed and manufactured by SEI and belonging to Sinopec Beijing Yanshan Company, as a typical object,
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