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毕业设计(论文) 题 目 基于Web创新实验区 管理平台开发 专 业 计算机科学与技术 班 级 计升本101 学 号 2100912031 学 生 指导教师 2012 年 摘 要 随着社会科技的飞速发展,当今社会对大学生的综合素质要求越来越高,尤其是在实践和创新能力方面。“高素质创新型应用人才”已成为各高校的人才培养目标。而目前的实验教学模式,难以适应学分制下各专业及学生的个性化、特色化的要求,阻碍了创新型人才的培养,也导致现有设备、仪器的综合利用率很低。针对这一问题,提出《计算机专业学生实践创新能力培养模式的探索与研究》教学研究项目,并开发配套的创新实验区管理平台,以利于实验教学改革。通过对此系统的开发,掌握基于Web的开发技术和开发方法,并总结Web管理系统的技术特点和方法技巧,再深入研究如何开发出伸缩性强、扩展性好、重用性高和易维护、易管理的通用Web应用。 本文首先简要介绍了在开发此系统时用到的一些技术基础和工具使用。然后对本模块进行了需求分析,提出了本模块的总体设计。在对需求进行深入剖析的基础上,提出了系统的功能模块划分及其功能实现。并着重描述了模块核心功能的实现和界面布局使用的主要技术和方法。 关键词: Web,JSP,平台 Abstract With the rapid development of science and technology, the society for the comprehensive quality of college students increasingly high demand, especially in the practice and innovation abilities. High-quality innovative talents has become the goal of personnel training of the university. While the current teaching mode, it is difficult to adapt to the credit system under the professional and students personalized, the characteristics of the requirements, hinders the cultivation of innovative talents, also causes the existing equipment, equipment utilization rate is very low. Aiming at this problem, put forward computer students ability of practice and innovation exploration and research on the cultivation mode teaching and research project, and supporting the development of innovation experimentation area management platform, to facilitate the reform of experimental teaching. Through this system development, grasp the development based on Web technology and development methods, and summarizes the technical features of Web management system and methods, in-depth study of how to develop strong scalability, good scalability, reusability is high and easy to maintain, management of the general Web application. This article briefly describes the development of the phone, some of the techniques used in the foundation and



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