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浅析油画风景写生的艺术语言与情感表达 内容提要: 油画这一起源于西方的画种,在中国已有近一个世纪的发展历程,从一开始我们老一辈的艺术家们就在孜孜不倦的探寻着如何发展具有民族精神的油画语言,为我们留下了许多宝贵的画作与美学理论。对于油画的教学始终以传承与发展的理念进行着,并逐渐形成了具有自己民族特色的绘画语言与情感表达。文章对油画风景写生的艺术语言与情感表达的相关理论进行简要梳理,包括艺术语言的内涵、特点及绘画艺术与情感的关系。然后从油画风景的色彩与构图两方面入手分析了油画风景写生中艺术语言的形式,最后探讨在油画风景写生中运用艺术表达情感的策略,本文认为要做到运用色彩传递情感与构图中注意引起观者情感上的回应两方面才能在油画风景写生中充分运用艺术语言表达写生者的情感。 关键词: 油画风景写生 艺术语言 情感表达 Study on the language and emotional expression of the art of painting landscapes Abstract: The oil painting that originated with the Western painting styles, in China for nearly a century, the development process, from the outset, we the older generation of artists in the tireless search for how to develop a national spirit of the painting language, for us left a number of valuable paintings and aesthetic theory. For the oil painting of teaching has always been to develop the concept of Inheritance and engaged in, and gradually formed with its own national characteristics of language and emotional expression of painting. Article on the art of painting landscapes language and emotional expression in a brief sort of related theories, including the artistic language of the definition, characteristics, and the art of painting and emotional relationship. And from the oil painting landscape color and composition analysis of two-pronged approach to painting landscapes in the form of artistic language and finally explore the art of painting landscapes in the use of emotional expression strategy, this paper that the use of color to do to pass the emotion and gives attention to composition concept emotional response to those two aspects of the painting landscapes in order to make full use of artistic language to express those feelings sketches. Key Words: oil painting landscapes artistic language Emotional Expression 目录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc259727536 引言 PAGEREF _Toc259727536 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc259727537 一、艺术语言与情感表达相关理论简述 PAGEREF _Toc259727537 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc259727538 (一)艺术语言的内涵 PAGE



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