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本科生毕业论文(设计) 题 目 故障录波器及故障测距算法研究 学 院 电气信息学院 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 学生姓名   学 号 0843031381 年级 08 级 指导教师   教务处制表 二Ο一二 年 五 月 二十八 日 故障录波器及故障测距算法研究 专业名 电气工程及其自动化 【摘要】 在电力系统故障行中,线路故障占了其故障的很大一部分,电力部门需要点位出故障的准确位置(无论是瞬时故障还是永久故障),以便进行查线,从而解决故障,避免不必要的经济损失和事故发生。要想加速线路的修复,减少经济损失,避免重大事故发生,就必须使用准确可靠的故障录波器和测距算法。本文从故障录波器的核心控制器和结构两个方面出发,分析总结了故障录波器的发展历程,对故障录波器在各个发展阶段的特点进行了介绍。重点讨论了故障录波器的研究现状,阐明了数字化分布式故障录波器在数字化变电站中的位置,并给出了当前最新数字化分布式故障录波器的模块构成,针对其数据采集模块与管理分析模块的结构和功能进行了分析介绍;从而引出了故障测距的方法,以及如何分析故障录波数据;通过对几种测距算法的研究和分析,阐述了如何实现准确可靠的故障测距。 关键词:故障录波器、故障测距算法、单端测距、双端测距 The research of fault recorder or range algorithm Electrical engineering and its automation Student:Feng Shiyu Instructor:Huang Yong Abstract:?In?power system fault?line,?line fault?accounted?for?a large part?of?its?fault, the?power sector?needs?to?point?out?the?exact location?of?the?fault?(transient fault or the permanent fault),in order to check the line,so as to solve the fault,avoiding unnecessary economic losses and the accident occurred。But the accurate reliable breakdown records the wave and the range finder can reduce the attendants to patrol the line inspection time, speeds up lines restoration, reduces economic loss which, First embarks from the breakdown oscillographs core controller and the structure two aspects, carried on the analysis to the breakdown oscillographs development process to summarize, introduced the breakdown oscillograph in each development phase characteristic. Discussed the breakdown oscillographs research present situation with emphasis, had expounded the digitized distributional breakdown oscillographs in digitized transformer substation position, and has given the current newest digitized distributional breakdown oscillographs module constitution, Have carried on the analysis introduction in view of its data acquisition module and the management analysis modules structure and the


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