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精品 精品 学生毕业论文 题 目 浅谈安妮宝贝作品的冷艳奇美 作 者 院 (系) 中文系 专 业 汉语言文学 指导教师 答辩日期 2011年5月7日 摘 要 本文通过对安妮宝贝及其作品的简要分析,从而概括总结出她作品的四个特点“冷”、“艳”、“奇”、“美”。 安妮作品的“冷”不仅表现在她做人风格上的冷漠姿态,还表现在她文章字里行间的清冷与颓废。“艳”则是通过小资情调凸显的淋漓尽致,而后安妮并不甘心于小资,她首次把城市中落寞的男女搬入了文学的领地,于是又出现了另外一个对立的落拓不羁的人群。“奇”主要通过死亡与虚无显现出来,安妮文字中讲述一些对于死亡极其渴盼的男女,进而通过他们的死亡让读者感受到虚无、荒诞、真实、存在。最后安妮文字中的“美”追求的是那种极致的美,要么是城市里的精装雕饰之后的美,要么是那种自然而成的美。当人们都把目光集中于都市丽人的精致装束时,安妮却把笔尖一转,为读者展现了生活在都市边缘的那些女子的落寞与哀伤,而这里面所要流露出的恰恰是那种落魄美的极致。 关键词:安妮宝贝,小资,冷,艳,奇,美 ABSTRACT This parper draw together four characteristic of Annies works by simple analysis of Annie Baby and her works: cold, colourful, astonished, beautiful. The cold of Annies works is not only exhibited in the desert gesture of her behave manner, but also exhibited in the cold and decadence between her lines. The colourful is exhibited by emotional appeal of the small money thoroughly. But Annie dont reconcile to the small money, she remove the lonely men and women in the city to her lierary territory at first. And then appeared an big other opposite unconventional unruly crowd. The astonished is exhibited by the death and nihility mostly. It told some men and women in the Annies character who hope the death wondrously, and make the reader recept the nihility, the absurdity, the reality, the subsist.In the end, the beautiful of Annies character aspire after the superlative beautiful, the beautiful of the edition binding adorn in the city, the beautiful of making up of the nature. Annie change her penpoint to exhibit loneliness and distress of women who life in the edge of city, when people take their look into the exquisite costume of the city beautiful women. It outpoured only the perfection of the comedown beautiful here. . Keywords:Annie Baby ,the small money,cold,colourful,astonished, beautiful 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc292311812 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc292311812 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc292311813 ABSTRACT PAGEREF _Toc292311813 \h II HYPERLINK \l _Toc292311814 目 录 PAG



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