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齐 齐 哈 尔 大 学 毕业论文(设计) 题 目 凝胶柱层析法分离纯化阿魏酰阿拉伯木寡糖工艺条件及性质的研究 学 院 食品与生物工程学院 专业班级 食工 学生姓名 指导教师 成 绩 年6月 21 日 摘 要 阿魏酸低聚糖具有 = 1 \* GB3 ①抗氧化、紫外线吸收、黑素细胞增殖和酪氨酸酶抑制、内皮素拮抗剂、活血化瘀、激素分泌刺激及抗过敏。 = 2 \* GB3 ②降血压。 = 3 \* GB3 ③降血脂。 = 4 \* GB3 ④抗血栓、抗感染。 = 5 \* GB3 ⑤促进双歧杆菌增值,改善肠道功能等保健作用。但玉米麸皮作为玉米深加工工业的副产品,占玉米籽粒质量的10-14%。而作为玉米淀粉工业的副产品—玉米麸皮得率约为玉米原料量的20%。我国是玉米生产大国,为玉米麸皮中阿魏酸低聚糖的提取提供充分来源。利用酶法提取阿魏酸低聚糖能充分有效地利用我国的玉米资源,将产生巨大的经济和社会效益。 本论文以去蛋白、去淀粉玉米麸皮为原料。通过筛酶实验,以酸水解为对照,筛选出提取阿魏酸低聚糖的最佳酶是诺维信木聚糖酶,通过单因素实验和响应面实验得出诺维信木聚糖酶提取阿魏酸低聚糖的最佳工艺条件。 关键词:玉米麸皮;阿魏酸低聚糖;组分;酸水解;木聚糖酶; Abstract Ferulic acid oligosaccharides are with anti-oxidation, UV absorption, melanocyte proliferation and tyrosinase inhibitor, endothelin antagonist, blood circulation, hormone stimulation and anti-allergy .blood pressure lowering. cholesterol-lowering . antithromboric and resistance to infection . To promote the colon bacillus, improve bowel function value as health care function .and other health effects.However, corn bran, as a byproduct of corn processing industry, accounting for 10-14% of maize grain quality.As a by-product of industrial corn starch - corn bran, corn yield is about 20% of the amount. Maize production in China is a big country, the corn bran extraction of ferulic acid to provide the full source of oligosaccharides.Extraction of ferulic acid oligosaccharides using the full effective use of resources in our corn will have a huge economic and social benefits. This thesis to the protein to starch corn bran as raw material, through the determination of corn bran components of corn bran content of the various components.Determined by enzymatic extraction of ferulic acid oligosaccharides extracted the optimum conditions. Key words: Corn husk;Ferulic acid oligosaccharides;component;Acid hydrolysis; xylanolytic enzymes 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK


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