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football/soccer足球 volleyball排球 basketball篮球 baseball棒球 tennis网球 table tennis乒乓球 badminton羽毛球 golf高尔夫球 Guess: What’s in his hand? Listen to the tape (2a) Does Peter have a soccer ball? ______. Does Alan have a soccer ball?_______. Does Mike have a basketball?_______. Does Jane have a tennis racket?_____. Does Barry have a volleyball? ______. The school club needs new members. Make a conversation with the coach and complete the form. A: coach B: the student who wants to join the club. A: What is your first name? B: My first name is... A: What is your last name? B: My last name is... A: How old are you? B: I am... A: What class are you in? B: I am in Class... A: ... 2. Translate the sentences into English: 1) 你有足球吗?_____________________ (回答) ______________________ 2) 你有妹妹吗? _____________________ (回答) ______________________ 3) 她有铅笔吗? _____________________ 不,她没有。 ______________________ 她有钢笔吗? ______________________ 是的,她有。 ______________________ Let’s stand up/clap our hands/ sleep/ turn to Page One /read aloud/dance/ play football/… Let’s go and find the pencil case/ look at the blackboard and listen to the teacher /…and…/… Now let’s find where the man is. What do you think of it? What do you think of these activities(活动)? Listeningpracticing A:Let’s play_____ ____. B:That sounds ______. But I don’t have a _____. A:Well, do you have a ______? B:Yes. A:Then let’s ____ _______. B:Oh,_____ is so ______. A:OK.Let’s ______ ______. B:That sounds______. A:Mmm…Let’s play______.Do you have a___ ___? B:No, I don’t. A:Oh,well.Do you have a _______? B:Yes,___ ___.Let’s play _______. A:That ____ ___. --Let’s play basketball/go to the gym/do homework… 同意对方的邀请,建议,可以说: --That sounds good/great/fun/interesting/relaxing/ terrific/boring/so difficult That would be good./That would be nice./ OK/ All right. /Tha


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