2016年高一英语教学课件Unit4《Astronomythe science of the stars》第2课时 (新人教版必修3).ppt

2016年高一英语教学课件Unit4《Astronomythe science of the stars》第2课时 (新人教版必修3).ppt

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2016年高一英语教学课件Unit4《Astronomythe science of the stars》第2课时 (新人教版必修3).ppt

4.It seems/appears/occurs to sb/doesnt matter/makes no difference...+主语从句。 It seems that it is going to rain. 看起来好像要下雨。 5.It+及物动词+宾语+that从句。 It surprised him that they came to visit him suddenly. 让他吃惊的是他们突然来看他。 (二)主语从句中应注意的问题 1.从句的语序要用陈述语序。 ①When we will set off is still under discussion. 我们什么时候动身还在讨论中。 ②Whoever leaves the room last is asked to turn off the lights. 无论谁最后离开都要把灯关掉。 2.从句作主语时,主句的谓语一般用单数形式。 Where he will get a job after graduation has puzzled him much. 毕业后到哪儿找份工作使他很困惑。 名师点拨 what和who引导主语从句时,有时主句谓语的数应与主句中作表语的名词保持一致。 ①What the school needs much are books. 这所学校需要的是书。 ②What the school needs much is money. 这所学校需要的是钱。 3.从句的时态一般要取决于主句。 They lost their way in the forest and what made things worse was that night began to fall. 他们在森林里迷路了,更糟糕的是夜幕开始降临。 课堂达标验收 Ⅰ.语法填空 1.Everyone in the village is very friendly. It doesnt matter ________you have lived there for a short or a long time. 答案:whether 考查名词性从句。句意:村子里的人都很友好,所以你住在那里时间长还是短都没关系。it是形式主语,真正主语是whether引导的名词性从句。 2.It is immediately clear________the financial crisis will soon be over. 答案:whether 考查主语从句的用法。句意:经济危机是否会很快结束是很明显的事情。“是否”用whether表示,不能选when是因为从句中由soon这一时间状语。 3.It has been proved________eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life. 答案:that 句意:已经证实童年时期食用蔬菜有助于晚年保护自己避免患严重的疾病。It has been proved that...为主语从句,表示“已经证明……” 。例如:Can it be proved that he did commit these offences? 能证明他确实犯了这些罪吗? 4.________ is obviously right is to give all children equal opportunities to develop their special gift. 答案:what 考查主语从句的连接词。所缺处引导一个主语从句,并在从句中作句子的主语,所以用what。句意为:明显正确的(做法)就是,给所有的孩子提供平等发展特殊才能的机会。 5.________was most important to her, she told me, was her family. 答案:what 本题主要考查主语从句的用法。句意:她告诉我,对她来说最重要的是家庭。she told me为插入语,what was most important to her为主语从句,其中what又是主语从句的主语。其他选项无此双重语法功能。 6.________wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way. 答案:Whoever 考查主语从句。whoever意为“任何人,无论谁”,引导主语从句,作从句________wants to stay in a hotel 的主语。anyone意为“任何一个人”。the one意为“那人,某人”。都不能引导主语从句。who意为“谁”, 引导主语从


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