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主要内容 介绍如何通过CDP命令来监控和维护路由器。 13.1 CDP介绍 Show cdp entry Show cdp neighbors Show cdp neighbors detail Show cdp interface 13.2 维护介绍 1、远程访问 telnet ip-address 2、连通性测试 ping ping ip-address ping ip-address -t 13.2 维护介绍 3、接口检查 show interface s0 show ip interface e0 13.2 维护介绍 4、debug分析 terminal monitor debug no debug all Blank for pagination I2-* 3-* 第13章 Cisco发现协议CDP Purpose: this figure states the chapter objectives. Emphasize: Read or state each objective so each student has a clear understanding of the chapter objectives. Purpose: This chapter reviews general networking theory and introduces students to some of Cisco’s product line. Timing: This chapter takes approximately 1.5 hours to present. Note: This section has a product selection tool laboratory exercise at the end. Contents: Objectives—This section explains what the student will be able to do at the end of this chapter. Defining Network Components—This section displays where devices are placed in the network. Mapping Business Needs to a Hierarchical Model—This section describes the heirarchical model used in network design. OSI Model Overview—This section reviews the OSI model. Communicating Between Layers—This section describes encapsulation and de-encapsulation. Written Exercise 1—This section has a written exercise to test the students’ knowledge of the OSI model. Physical Layer Functions—This section describes the physical layer of the OSI Model. Data Link Layer Functions—This section describes the data link layer of the OSI Model. Network Layer Functions—This section describes the network layer of the OSI Model. Transport Layer Functions—This section describes the transport layer of the OSI Model. 通过实际操作演示各种配置模式。事先准备一台路由器,或路由器模拟软件。 通过实际操作演示各种配置模式。事先准备一台路由器,或路由器模拟软件。 ICND—Selecting and Cabling Cisco Devices Copyright ? 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. 3-* ICND—Selecting and Cabling Cisco Devices Copyright ? 1999, Cisco Systems, Inc. 2-*


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