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Lecture ;;Geographic Position;Location;Important Facts About USA(1);People: Caucasian(高加索人,白种人) (74%), African American (12%), Latino (9%), Asian (3%), Native American (0.8%) Languages: English (official language), plus many secondary language, chiefly Spanish Religion: Protestant (56%), Roman Catholic (28%), Jewish (2%), Muslim (1%) Government: Federal republic of 50 states;President: Bush GDP: US$9 trillion GDP per head: US$25,850 Annual growth: 4.1% Inflation: 2.6% Major industries: Oil, electronics, computers, automobile manufacturing, aerospace industries, agriculture. Major trading partners: Canada, Japan, the EU ;Important Facts About USA(3);;Different Parts of US;The central area drained by the Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio rivers is the grain basket of the country. Further west, on the Great Plains, are the country‘s chief grazing(放牧) areas. This is cowboy country. Desert predominates in the south-west, where the climate and degraded soils keep population density to a minimum, and where you really don‘t need much of a wind to see tumbleweed(风滚草) bouncing across the highway. Cross the Sierra Nevada is the West Coast, which was settled by Americans only 150 years ago but has been on a headlong(头向前) rush into the future ever since.;Important Mountains;;;;Important Rivers;Natural Resources;The Climate;Flora植物群;Animals Home to US;The National Flag;The History of the National Flag(1);The History of the National Flag(2);The History of the National Flag(3); 国徽,国花和国鸟;Main Cities;Capital City: Washington D.C.;More Information About Washington, D. C.;The capital owns much to the first President of the United States, George Washington. It was Washington who chose the place for the District and laid in 1790 the corner –stone of the Capitol, where Congress sits. There are many historical sites in Washington, D. C. the largest tallest among the buildings is the Capitol with its great hall of Representatives and Senate Chamber. There are n


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