(最新)毕业设计 汽车后桥机构的研究设计.doc

(最新)毕业设计 汽车后桥机构的研究设计.doc

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(最新)毕业设计 汽车后桥机构的研究设计

汽车后桥机构的研究设计 论文摘要:根据车桥能否传递驱动力,汽车车桥分为驱动桥和从动桥。驱动桥的结构型式按齐总体布置来说共有三种,即普通的非断开式驱动桥,带有摆动半轴的非断开式驱动桥和断开式驱动桥。本设计对象是小型低速载货汽车的后驱动桥。 本设计完成了小型低速载货汽车的后驱动桥中主减速器、差速器、驱动车轮的传动装置及桥壳等部件的设计。本文根据小型低速载货汽车的后驱动桥的要求,通过选型,确定了主减速器传动副类型,差速器类型,驱动桥半轴支承类型。通过计算计算,确定了主减速比,主、从动锥齿轮、差速器、半轴以及桥壳的主要参数和结构尺寸。其中的一部分计算采用自编的HYPERLINK /class_free/19_1.shtml 计算机程序完成,有效的减少了计算时间,提高了效率。其中的一部分计算采用自编的HYPERLINK /class_free/19_1.shtml 计算机程序完成,有效的减少了计算时间,提高了效率。 最后利用CAD软件绘制零部件装配图和装配总图并通过主要零部件的校核计算和对主要零部件二维绘图,确定所设计的能够满足设计要求。 论文关键字:汽车后桥,驱动桥,主减速器,差速器 ABSTRACT:According to weather the axle could transfer driving force or not,the automobile axle is divided into drive axle and driven axle. Sport utility passenger vehicle (SUV) for the four-wheel drive, both cities run, field sports, in addition to the premium sedan with the comfort, we must also have a higher cross-country and safety. The object that is designed for small low-speed trucks is drive of rear axle. The design of drive of rear axle includes the design of the main reducer , the design of the differential device and rear axle design. According to the requirements of the rear axle,i can identify the main types of main gear box, differential device, rear axle.And by calculating, i can identify the main reduction ratio, the main, driven helical bevel gear , differential device and the shell of the main parameters of the bridge structure and size. One part of the calculation using the computer program to complete the self, reducing computing time and improve efficiency. Finally,I use CAD software to draw parts of assembly drawings and the whole assembly drawings.In the meanwhile,I checking through the major components of the calculation of the main components and two-dimensional drawings, to determine the design to meet the design requirements. KEY WORDS: automobile rear axle ,drive axle,main reducer,differential device 目录 TOC \o 1-1 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc137795186 1 前言 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc137795187 1.1 本课题的来源、基本前提条件和技术要求: 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc137795188 1.2 本课题要解决的主



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