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山东财 山东财经大学硕士学位论文 Abst Abstract I I PAGE PAGE IV 摘要 会计稳健性是企业会计准则的一项重要原则,也是会计信息质量特征之一,国内 外学者围绕着会计稳健性这一话题进行了诸多研究。在影响会计稳健性的诸多因素 中,公司治理是一个非常重要的方面。公司治理机制是各方利益相关者相互制衡的结 果,企业的会计信息使用者主要通过企业的财务报告来了解企业的情况。有效的公司 治理机制可以促使企业采取稳健的会计政策,那么会计信息使用者就可以通过企业的 治理结构对企业的财务状况作出判断,因此对于公司治理和会计稳健性的研究变得非 常重要。 本文通过对国内外学者关于会计稳健性的文献进行研究,以契约理论、代理理论 和资源依赖理论为基础,选取 2007-2011 年我国 A 股上市公司数据作为研究样本,在 研究方法上突破了单一计量模型的限制,采用 Basu 模型、应计项目与现金流模型以 及 Khan 和 Watts(2009)的 C-Score 模型,对会计稳健性的存在性和公司治理因素对 会计稳健性的影响进行了实证分析,分别从公司治理结构的各个层面包括股东会层 面、董事会层面、监事会层面和管理层层面,选取了十个变量,研究这些变量与会计 稳健性的关系,发现我国存在会计稳健性,第一大股东持股比例、董事会持股比例、 董事会规模、董事会会议次数、监事会持股比例、监事会规模、监事会会议次数、管 理层持股比例与会计稳健性显著负相关,从理论上丰富了会计稳健性的研究。 关键词:会计稳健性 公司治理 委托代理 Abstract Accounting conservatism is an important principle in accounting standard for business enterprises and is also one of the characteristics of accounting information quality. The domestic and foreign scholars have done much research around this subject of accounting conservatism. Corporate governance is one important aspect in the many factors that affecting accounting conservatism. Corporate governance mechanism is the result of the balances of the stakeholders and the users of accounting information understand the situation of enterprises mainly through the financial reports.Effective corporate governance mechanism can make the enterprises to take prudent accounting policy, then the users of accounting information can judge the financial situation of enterprises through the enterprises governance structure, so the research for corporate governance and accounting conservatism becomes very important. This article studied the research of the domestic and foreign scholars about the accounting conservatism and was based on contract theory, agency theory and resource dependency theory, then selected the data of A-share listed companies in China from 2007 to 2011 as the research sample. The research methods of the article break the limitation of the single measurement model and used Basu model, Accrued items and


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