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利用两次,对总氮的去除效果明显下降,第三次试验时已经失效了。沸石F1的消减 效果优于沸石F2,初始氨氮浓度为 3.47mg/L、14.39mg/L、25.88mg/L时,TN去除 量随浓度的增大而增加;其次,快速消减期随着初始氨氮浓度的增加而延长;三 种浓度条件下,初始TN浓度越低消减速度越快。
不同沸石投加量条件下持续消减沉积物总氮的试验结果表明:覆盖沸石F1可以 长期有效消减沉积物氮污染负荷,适宜覆盖密度为1.04kg/m2,沸石两次重复利用 去除TN能力基本不变,是持续消减沉积物氮负荷的有效覆盖材料。
关 键 词:沸石覆盖技术;沉积物释放;持续消减氮负荷;富营养化水体 论文类型:应用基础研究
An experiment study on persistently eliminating nitrogen load of eutrophia sediment using zeolite capping technology
Specialty: Municipal Engineering Graduate: Junchen Kang Supervisor: Dr. Jinlan Xu
The release of ammonia from sediment to overlying water is the main cause of eutrophication of water bodies. Eliminating of nitrogen load in sediment is an effective way to control eutrophication of water bodies. In this study, the effects of persistently eliminating nitrogen load of sediment using zeolite capping technology were investigated in Xian eutrophic made-lake and Yangzhou Grand Canal. This thesis focus on the contents that include the release characteristics of the sediments, the characteristics of adsorption of ammonia by zeolite, pilot study on capping with 4 zeolite to reduce total nitrogen load of sediment, and the effect of zeolite dosage on persistently eliminating nitrogen load of sediment. We found the way to persistently eliminating nitrogen load of eutrophic sediment, and provide theory basis for in-situ remedy of Yangzhou canal. The main results and conclusions are as follows:
Ammonia nitrogen is the main form of nitrogen release, which accounts for 51%~100% release quantity of total nitrogen. Therefore, it is important for controlling eutrophication of water bodies to eliminate ammonia nitrogen load of sediments. The results show that release quantity and the average releasing rate of total nitrogen (TN) depend on temperature and the source of the sediment. The nitrogen release rate of sediment in Xian man-made lake is between 0.09 mg/(L.d) and 3.60 mg/(
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