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Due to the requirement of increasing traffic,it is very urgent to widen the existing highways in china.The roadbed settlements in highway construction,especially differential
settlement,will lead to the cleft and stagger of pavement,and largely affect the quality of
driving as well as used life—span.So how to bring down the settlements and clear off the danger
’ made by settlements has been an important task in highway construction.
Based on the analysis of actual study on the differential settlement of widened road,the shortage of these methods is brought forward.General purpose finite program ANSYS is adopted in the analysis.DP model is chosen to consider the non—linearity of soil,and then finite element analysis of widened road is carried out in this paper
With the aid of a elastic—plastic finite element package,the settlement of the ground,the
deformation of the embankment,associated with their stress distribution are analyzed. Additionally,the computed solutions are compared with those of in-site measurement.In particular the differential settlement behavior over newly-built and existing subgrades was
assessed to explain premature damages of pavements commonly found in widened road sections.The law of the differential settlement is summarized,and some suggestions on the
design of widened road are presented in the paper.
Keyword widened roads differential settlement nonlinear FEM ANSYS
numerical simulation
世界经济正进入工业化、信息化和跳跃式发展阶段,经济的快速发展,需要方便、 快捷、安全的交通服务,高速公路对国民经济和社会发展的促进作用是越来越明显。高 速公路具有运量大、速度快、辐射远、效率高等特点和优势,不仅带动了运输结构的改 善和运输效率的提高,而且也促进了沿线产业结构的优化和区域经济的发展。高速公路 的这种作用己经得到我国各级政府的重视,从1988年我国第一条高速沪嘉高速公路建 成通车以来,在不到20年时间内,我国已经修建了3.2万多公里高速公路。另外,根据 在编的中国高速公路网规划,在未来2030年内,我国将实行高速公路网的全面建设, 总里程将超过8万公里,将连接大陆319个人口在20万以上的城市。
从已建的高速公路来看,绝大多数车道是四车道。对高速公路建设规划路要建多 宽,要修几个车道,从根本上看是调查和预测交通需求决定的。由于认识局限性,当时 高速公路建设时对我国社会经济增长速度预计值偏低,使现在很多高速公路的交通流量 超过预计设计能力。例如,浙江1998年底建成通车的沪杭高速公路,1999年全年路段 交通流量为1.1—2.5万辆/日,而在2002年路段达到2.2—4.
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