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硕 士 学 位 论 文
On The Regulation Of Public Security Administrative Discretion
作 者 姓 名: 李 宇
指 导 教 师: 谭宗泽 副教授
西 南 政 法 大 学
Southwest University of Political Science and Law
公安机关是国家的重要执法机关,担负着行政执法重要职责。为保障公安机关能适 应新的形势和作出灵活反应的能力,及时地进行管理,提高执法效率,法律赋予公安机 关在行使其职能和权力时有广泛的裁量权。裁量权就像一把“双刃剑’,如果用得恰当, 就能够实现个案正义,如果用得不好,就会极大地侵害相对人的合法权益。
公安行政裁量权与其它行政权一样,它的行使一方面可以产生积极地能动作用,另 一方面容易出现失范现象。公安行政裁量权失范现象主要表现在权力滥用、显失公正、 随意处罚等等方面。而出现这些现象的原因大致有本身的法律法规限制较少、行政执法 程序的不完善及公安民警个人的因素,这些将导致国家、社会利益和公民、法人、组织 的合法权益的损害,而且也是对行政法治的威胁。公安机关拥有裁量权的行政部门有治 安、户政、交巡、出入境、网监、消防、边防等,裁量权范围广,内容复杂,包括行为 性质、种类、方式、手段、期限、幅度、程序等,并且拥有武力强制性。而我国公安工 作由于发展历史坎坷,尚未形成完整科学规范的体系,如何对公安机关的裁量权加以有 效和适当的规制,以防止被滥用是当代公安行政中的重要课题之一。
关键词:公安行政裁量权; 规制
Public security organs are important law enforcement agency. They shoulder the administrative law enforcement responsibility. To protect the public security agencies are able to adapt to new situations and to make flexible and reflect the ability to manage a timely manner, improve efficiency of law enforcement, the law gives the public security organs in the exercise of its functions and powers have wide discretion. Discretion is like a double-edged sword , if the contact when used, they can achieve the case of justice, if used properly, it will greatly against the legitimate rights and interests of the counterpart.
Administration discretion power of public security is just same the other administrative power, and on the one hand, its exercise produce positively dynamic role. On the other hand, it easily appears the malposition phenomenon. Police administrative enforcement discretion is mainly manifested in the abuse of power, significant loss of justice, arbitrary punishment, etc. The reasons why have such dislocation has its own laws and regulations less restrictive, inadequate administrative enforcement procedures and public security police personal factors, which will lead to national, social interests and citizens, legal persons, the organizations legitimate r
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