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万方数据 万方数据 摘要 摘要 公司堪称世界上最伟大的发明之一,它对当今社会经济的繁荣发挥着不可 替代的作用。但是,在公司运营过程中常出现各种各样的问题,公司僵局就是 困扰公司的普遍难题之一。公司僵局不仅对公司及其股东的利益造成重大损害, 而且还将给公司外部的利益相关者带来不利影响,影响到整个市场经济的正常 安全运行。然而公司僵局如果不依靠司法干预,往往难以凭借自身力量去化解, 在法律层面上寻求化解公司僵局的有效措施为当务之要。西方法治发达国家, 经过多年的公司法律实践,已摸索出化解公司僵局的多样化救济措施。我国在 公司法修订前,并未在法律层面上对公司僵局的定义及其救济措施做出规定; 直到2005年公司法进行大幅度修订,终于有了一定的立法突破,但存在救济途 径单一、措施有限、成本过高、实用性差的不足,不能完全解决实践中遇到的 诸多问题。笔者在结合中外立法和综合我国当前国情的前提下,对这些问题提 出了自己的观点及解决办法。 本文总共为四部分,第一章为公司僵局的基本问题。本章对公司僵局的涵 义、基本特征、分类、表现形式和形成原因进行了分析。第二章为国外对公司 僵局救济机制的比较研究。本章为公司僵局的法律救济提供理论上的依据,同 时着重介绍了两大法系关于公司僵局的法律救济制度,对其一些主要救济措施 进行了研究,对其优点及不足之处作了点评,为下文改革构建提供了借鉴。第 三章为我国公司僵局救济手段的现状及缺陷。本章着重探讨我国《公司法》第 183条所采取的强制解散制度来救济公司僵局问题,指出其不足之处,为下一章 关于立法的修改和完善做铺垫。第四章是本文的论述的归宿,重点探讨构建我 国特色救济公司僵局的四种途径。 关键字:公司僵局;法律救济;公司强制解散;强制股权收购 II Abst Abstract ABSTRACT As is known to all, company called one of the greatest invention in the world, its economic prosperity plays an irreplaceable role in todays society. However, there are many kinds of problems during company operation,corporate deadlock is the common practice,it is not only cause great damage to the corporation and investors’ benefit,but also affect many stakeholders outside of the corporation and bring negative factors to the safety of the entire market transactions.However,legal measures are first needed to resolve this problem.In many western countries,they already work out diversified remedies after many years of corporate legal practice. Before the amendment of the new Corporate Law in china,we did not make a clear definition about corporate deadlock and its’ relief measures.We made breakthrough about this problem in 2005,but there are many shortcoming such as simple remedies, limited measures, high cost and lack of operability,which can not solve the problems completely in reality. Base on a fully study of legislation both inside and outside and the current situation in China, this article tries to put forward some ideals and solutions to solve these problems. This paper is divided into four sect



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