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、As the fast development of the power indus町, the disadvantages of 0旧 countrys extra-large scale power industrγfeaturing high-capacity machine units, large HV electric systems,and high voltage emerge with each passing day. Power shortage,environment pollution and chain failures occur frequentl弘 which become
unavoidable problems in electric production and system operation. Meanwhile ,也e
咱 distributed generation technology based on the power electronic conversion technique , has gained rapid development for its advantages like renewable ene咆y and no poIIution. As an efficient supplementωthe large HV electric sys阳m and an effective
application form of the distributed generation,micro power gI划, integrating multiple inverter-based distributed generations and controlling them in a unified way,changes the single electric supply-mode of the traditional grid and increases the reliabi1ity of the systematic pow时 supply and enhances the quality of the electric energy to a great extent.
However,because of the output characteristics of the distributed generation ,the protection of a micro-grid differs gre创ly 仕om that of a traditional power system.
Therefore,the key to the research of the micro grids protection lies in the guarantee of the selectivity,rapidity,sensitivity and reliability of the protection. Hence,the failure analysis of the distributed generation and the research into the protection principle ofthe micro grid display an important theoretical significance and pragmatic
在, This thesis first introduces the primary energy of the dis创buted generation and the classification of the interfacing technique and provides a detailed introduction to
4 the control s衍ategy of inteI也cing inverter ofthe inverter-based distributed generation, which lays a foundation for studying the failure charact町istics of the inverter-based
distributed generation.
A就er that,也e thesis analyzes 由e output
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