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I I 当代中学生习惯养成的现状与教育策略研究 中文提要 中文提要 当代中学生不久的将来会走上社会成为国家建设的人才,他们处于人生最好 的年龄段,他们年轻、有活力,他们的参与意识、独立意识、创造意识都较前代 有了明显增强,但不可否认的是当代中学生在习惯养成上还存在不少问题。对这 个群体的习惯养成进行系统研究不仅对于中小学德育工作具有重要意义,而且对 于未成年人思想道德建设具有重要的指导作用和参考价值。 通过文献比较和调查研究,笔者发现当代中学生生活、学习、思维习惯养成 上存在以下不足与问题:学校和家庭习惯教育重视程度不够、习惯培养水平城乡 之间、不同家庭之间存在不平衡、生活习惯养成上重物质享受轻自理能力、学习 习惯培养上呈现“低效的重视”、思维习惯上呈现强烈的自我中心。 基于班杜拉的社会学习理论、行为主义学习理论、人本主义学习理论、陶行 知生活教育理论和叶圣陶教育思想,结合调查结论 ,本文从学校、家庭、当代中 学生自我等方面提出了促进当代中学生生活、学习、思维习惯养成的教育策略。 关键词: 当代 中学生 习惯养成 教育策略 作 者:项春雷 指导教师:张 昕 II II 英文提要 当代中学生习惯养成的现状与教育策略研究 Research of the Present Situation and Education Strategy of the Contemporary High School Students’ Habit Formation Abstract The contemporary high school students will soon become nation-building talents in the near future. They are young, active, and enjoying the best period of their life. Their senses of participation, independence and innovation have improved significantly compared to the last generation. But we cannot deny there are many problems when they are forming their habits. Research of the habit formation of this group is instructive not only for the moral education of high schools and primary schools, but also for the children’s ideological and moral construction. By comparing documents and doing research, I find that the contemporary students have the following problems with the formation of their habits of life, studies and mind. Schools and families do not pay enough attention to habit education. The level of habit formation education lacks balance between different families, urban and rural areas. As to the life habit, they stress more on materials than self-care ability. As to the studies habit, their attention is “inefficient”. As to the mind habit, they have strong “self-awareness”. Combining the conclusion of my research with Albert Bandura’s social learning theory, behavior learning theory, humanistic learning theory, Tao Xingzhi’s life education theory, and Ye Shengtao’s education thoughts, this thesis gives the education strategy from d



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