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目录 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark0 一、传统底层打工诗歌的转型 32 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark1 二、对当下主流诗歌的挑战 34 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark2 结 束 语 36 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark3 致 谢 37 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark4 参考文献 38 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark5 作者在学期间取得的学术成果 40 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark6 附录 主要作品参考文献表 41 摘 摘 要 第 第 i 页 摘 要 底层打工诗歌是新世纪以来,伴随飞速发展的社会工业化进程而出现的一种 诗歌现象。诗歌的作者皆处于底层。他们抒写底层,以挣扎在社会最底层的群体 为主要描写对象,以诗歌的形式真实地展现了底层群体艰难的生存处境和迷茫的 精神状态。底层打工诗歌虽然已受到了评论界的普遍重视,但是我认为从道德层 面批评研究的多,从美学角度批评研究的少;在文化内涵方面研究的多,在诗艺 方面研究的少。基于这种情况,本论文主要采用文献研究法和作品分析法,围绕 底层打工诗歌的产生是否具备审美条件,其内容是否具备独特的审美特点,以及 是否拥有独有的审美价值等一系列问题,从美学角度对底层打工诗歌作以审美研 究。 本文将内容分为三部分加以具体论述:第一部分,从审美主体的产生和客体 的存在两方面来探讨底层打工诗歌的审美生成;第二部分,从崇高之美、粗粝之 美和诗艺之美三方面来分析底层打工诗歌的审美特征;第三部分,从现实主义审 美意义和在创作上的超越性两方面来谈底层打工诗歌的审美价值。并在最后对底 层打工诗歌存在的不足及未来的发展趋向作以简要评价。 主题词:底层,崇高,粗粝,批判,审美 第 第 ii 页 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The Poetry of the Underlying Work is the poetry of a new century, with the rapid development of the social process of industrialization . The author of the poetry are at the bottom,They describe the bottom , struggling in the bottom of the social groups as the main description of the object , the form of poetry to show the underclass difficult survival situation and confused mental state . Although the poetry of the underlying work has been widespread attention from critics , but I think less criticism from a moral level , the study of criticism from an aesthetic point of view ; Cultural connotations , more than the art of poetry . Based on this situation , this paper documentary research and analysis of works from an aesthetic point of aesthetic study of the Poetry of the Underlying Work . Based on this, this thesis documentary research and analysis of works around the Poetry of the Underlying Work with aesthetic conditions , whether their contents have unique aesthetic characteristics , and whether it has a unique aesthetic value of a range of issues , from an aesthetic point of view of the Poetry of the Underlying Work to aesthetic research . This article wi



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