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List of Abbreviations
List of Abbreviations
C-E Chinese-English
DTS descriptive translation studies TT target text
TL target language
ST source text
SL source language
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The last few decades witnessed the emergence and development of the polysystem theory and DTS in translation studies. In polysystem approach, translation research is confined to the literary/linguistic system, so largely neglects such socio-cultural factors as ideology and politics. As the texts are not put in relation to their contexts, the political uses and effects of translation are elided in its divorce from the context. Besides, the study only emphasizes the influence of target culture on translation. Later with incorporation of the insights of postcolonial theories, gender studies, and post-modernist thinking into translation research, the translation research focuses not simply on the texts of translation but also the context of translation, i.e. the intellectual, political, social, economic, ideological, or historical circumstances in which a translator works.
Translation works as a bridge to connect nations and promote mutual understanding, which lies in two facets: first, both sides get chances to know each other; second, both sides comprehend each other’s culture. In the mutual communication between China and the West, for a long time, translators have been busying with introducing foreign literary works to Chinese, so Chinese know more about western culture than westerners do to Chinese culture.
In the 20th century, the West translated only few Chinese literary works1, for it
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