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要摘 要 双积分球检测技术是通过对样品的反射率、进射率和准直选射率进行测量, 结合一定的光学参数反构算法得到组织体光学参数的检测方法,是目前组织光学 参数测量方面较为成熟和广泛应用的检测手段。基于双积分球系统的测量原理, 本文对双积分球的搭建和其各组成部分的功能进行了详细的阐述。对双积分球系 统中的光损失以及串扰给测最带来的误差进行了理论计算。井根据无创血糖 测量的需要制备了液态仿体,用其对系统测量准确性进行验证。 AF悔 AF悔 、 e 也F其次,根据所搭建的现积分球系统的实际情况,对影响测量精度的因素进行 了分析。研究中发现,双积分球系统中收集窗口径的大小会对光损失产生…定的 影响,且两个积分球之间的串扰现象也会给测量带来一定的误差。针对这些 因素,本研究中采用蒙特卡洛模拟方法对双积分球测景中的光损失以及串扰 e 也F 最后,本文采用Intralipid-20%溶液作为散射介质, India Ink浴液作为吸收介 质,制备液体光学参数模型,对实验室所搭建的双积分球的检测精度、测量的重 复性以及测量范围进行验证。实验结果表明,该系统对于约化散射系数的测量误 撞在 8%左右,吸收系数的测量误差在 10%左右。系统的测量重复性在 3%以内。 此外,由于皮肤组织光学参数在血糖研究方面具有一定应用价值,因此根据 不同波长下皮肤组织的光学参数制备液体皮肤模型。并采用双积分球系统对该模 型进行测景,实验结果表明该系统可以应用于测最皮肤组织的光学参数。 静 关键词:组织光学,双积分球,吸收系数,参数校匠,皮肤仿体测量 h ABSTRACT 户 、... ? 、 丁he double-íntegratíng sphere (DIS) system is widely adapted in the measurements of tíssue optical prop町ties. 咀le reflectance ,transmittance and the co1limate transmittance of the sample are measured by DIS system. Then 由e optical prop町ties of the sample are reconstructed by inv臼Se methods. h也is pap时,也e double-integratíng 叩heres system is bui1t based on the theory of the integrating 叩h町e. 白le effects of light loss and ‘cross talk between two spheres are investigated. To meet the need of the non-invasive blood glucose detectíon,the prop町tíes of diffi田ent phantoms were measured and the measurement accuracy of the system was verified. First of all,就le optical prop时ties,which are used to describe the optical characteristícs of the tissue,are introduced 坦白is paper. Different measuring methods 町e also introduced and ∞mp盯ed. Secondly,based on the developed DIS s严tem,the factors impactíng the measurement accuracy 町e anal归。d. It has been found 也at the limitation of the diameter of the sample port can bring certain light loss,and the ‘cross talk between 伽 two integratíng spheres also product some me邵阳ement 町ror. 咄咄 Monte Carlo simulation w础 adapted to investígate the effects of light loss,crosstalk on 也e measurements of optical prop衍ties. To eliminate the e他ct of these factors on 由e measurement acc



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