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I I 当前文物行政执法存在的问题及其对策研究 中文摘要 当前文物行政执法存在的问题及其对策研究 中文摘要 我国文物行政执法工作刚刚起步,还存在一些有待完善的地方。本 文从分析目前我国文物行政执法现状入手,认为目前我国文物行政执法 法规体系已经初步建立,执法机构的建设也正在加快,文物行政处罚职 权得以强化,文物行政处罚的程序也基本规范。同时,分析其中亟待完 善和需要解决的一些问题。主要是文物行政执法机构的建设尚有争议, 文物行政处罚项目的设置仍有欠缺,文物行政处罚的种类设置存在不足, 文物行政处罚项目的幅度设置还不规范。针对这些问题,本文认真分析, 一一给予对策研究。认为,文物行政执法机构的建设,应搁置争议,通 过行政授权或行政委托执法,推进文化综合执法,切实加强文物执法机 构建设;文物行政处罚项目应规范设置,才能有效惩处各种文物违法行 为;文物行政处罚种类应予完善,明确健全文物行政执法的措施与手段; 最后,在文物行政处罚项目的处罚幅度设置上,应科学设计,合理规范。 关键词:文物行政执法 执法机构 处罚项目 处罚种类 处罚幅度 作 者:邹建良 指导教师:黄学贤 II II Abstract The cultural relics administrative law-enforcement problems and countermeasures The cultural relics administrative law-enforcement problems and countermeasures Abstract Our cultural relics administrative law enforcement work just start, there still exist some improvement. By analyzing the present situation of Chinese cultural relics administrative law enforcement, think at present cultural relics administrative law enforcement regulations system has been set up preliminarily, and the construction of law enforcement agencies are also accelerating, cultural relics administrative punishment was strengthened, the cultural power of administrative penalty procedure and basic norms. At the same time, this paper analyses the perfection and need to solve some problems. Cultural relics administrative law enforcement agencies mainly is the construction of cultural relics administrative punishment remains controersial, project Settings are still lacking, cultural relics administrative punishments set deficiency, cultural relic species of administrative punishments set is not project. To solve these problems, this paper analyzed carefully, gives countermeasures. The administrative law enforcement agencies, the construction of cultural relics shall be shelved, through administrative disputes, the administrative law enforcement and entrust authorized or promote cultural relic comprehensive law enforcement and strengthen the construction of law enforcement agencies, Cultural relics admin



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