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随着意大利华人数量的增多和经济实力的壮大,意大利华人社会与当地社会 的关系变得更加复杂。本文主要从经济与社会的角度来探究当代意大利华人与当 地社会的关系问题,综合运用政治学、经济学和社会学的研究方法,着力挖掘影 响两者关系的因素,旨在找到促进华人移民与当地社会良性互动的路径。全文分 为三章,第一章分别从移民历史、人口分布、经济活动和社会文化生活这四个方 面介绍了意大利华人移民社会的变迁过程;第二章将意大利华人移民同其他国家 的新移民进行对比,阐述了意大利华人移民与当地社会产生冲突与隔阂的表现、 原因和最终影响;第三章探讨了意大利华人在融入当地社会过程中所做出的努力 与适应,以及未来需要调整的方向。本文在分析意大利华人与当地社会产生冲突 的原因视角和融合对策上所有创新,通过对意大利华人与当地社会的互动关系的 研究,为意大利华人的生存和发展提供建设性意见,希望能够在华人主动融入当 地社会,参与当地社会生活方面给予有效的帮助,同时也对中意关系的发展产生 积极的促进作用。
With the increasing number of Chinese Italian and their economic growth, relationship between Chinese community in Italy and the local society become more complex. This article mainly discuss the relationship between Chinese community in Italy and the local society from the angle of economy and society, using of politics, economics and sociology methods, focus on factors which influence the relationship, aiming to find the path to promote the interaction between Chinese immigrants and local society. Full text is divided into three chapters. The first chapter introduces the vicissitude process of Chinese immigrants in Italy from four aspects: the history of immigration, population distribution, economic activity, society and culture. The second chapter discusses the comparison between Chinese immigrant and other immigrants in Italy; this paper expounds the performances, reasons and final influence of conflict between Chinese immigrants and the local society in Italy. The third chapter discusses the efforts of Chinese Italian in the process of integrating into the local society and adaptation, as well as the direction which need to adjust in the future. The innovation of this article is based on the analysis of causes of conflict between Chinese immigrants and the local society in Italy and integration of all countermeasures, through the interaction research of Chinese Italian local society, providing constructive suggestions for the survival and development of Chinese Italian, this article
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