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摘要 摘要 I I 摘 要 本文在通过对中国邮政体制的发展改革进程简单研究后,就中国邮政的公共 服务性与赢利性、政府性与企业性以及邮政的垄断性和专营性这几个方面对中国 邮政体制在实际运行中所存在的问题做了较为深入的分析研究。针对中国邮政的 特点和在实际运营中的特殊情况,本文也就中国邮政体制以后的改革提出了自己 的建议。本文认为中国邮政的政府和企业职能应该进一步地进行明确分化,分清 权责,以使中国邮政能更好地适应社会主义市场经济的发展要求。此外,为了让 中国邮政更好地适应竞争的市场要求,提高中国邮政市场竞争能力,应该建立合 理的邮政税收上缴制度和对邮政普遍服务的补贴制度。而针对目前中国邮政相关 法律的不完善和缺失现象,本文主张应该尽快进行相关法律法规的制定和修改工 作,同时也要注意法律的配套实施工作的开展,使之做到有法可依和有法必依。 本文力图通过这一系列的分析研究能够找到中国邮政在发展过程中的体制方面 的症结所在,并能对此提出能够切实可行并能直击要点的改革意见。希望能借此 对中国邮政体制的改革发展和不断完善提供自己的绵薄之力。 关键词:邮政体制 、 垄断性、公共服务性、 完善 、 体制建设 Abs Abstract II II Abstract In this paper, after making a study of the development of the China postal system,there is a more thorough analysis of some aspects of the China postal system. For example, the contradiction of the China Posts public service and profit,the China post’s administrative function and it’s commercial operators, whether the China post is a monopoly-type enterprise,and so on. These are the importer aspects that hider the development of the China post in the actual operation. In view of the Chinese postal services characteristic and the circumstance in the actual operations peculiar, this article also put forward it’s own proposal on the reform and development of the China postal system. In this article, the writer thinks that the China post’s administrative function and it’s commercial operators should be distinguished definitely.So it can distinguishes clearly the power and responsibility and let the China post can adapt the request of the socialist market economy development well. In addition, in order to let China post can adapt the competition market requirement well and sharpens the China postal market competitiveness,it should establish the reasonable postal service tax revenue turning in system and to the postal service universal service subsidy system. At present ,China postal service related law is imperfect and flaw.So this article have the view that it should carry on the related laws and regulations as soon as possible the formulation and t



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