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中文 中文摘要 重庆大 重庆大学硕士学位论文 I I PAGE PAGE VI 摘 要 透明性作为建筑的一种视觉和空间特征始终伴随着建筑的发展,自从柯林罗 提出透明性的经典建筑理论,“透明”建筑便不断涌现。国内关于透明性的研究 较晚,研究主要局限在美学理论表现和较少的建构理论,对于设计手法的相关研 究更少。而随着科技的快速发展和数字化时代的到来,透明性表皮正以更加新颖 的方式来回应时代的发展,开启这个信息时代下建筑学领域新的发展方向。本文 试图对建筑透明表皮的表现手法一一做归纳总结,树立起积极回应时代发展的设 计观念和意识,指导透明建筑的创作实践,并丰富补充建筑透明理论。 本文主要采用了分类归纳、实例分析、绘制图表、归纳总结等研究方法,论 文主要分为三大部分,六个章节: 第一部分,为一、二章:通过对“透明”表皮的产生背景、相关理论、发展 历程的回顾与总结,从透明表皮背后形成逻辑的角度切入,将影响表皮透明的因 素分为材料、建构两个方面; 第二部分,为三、四章:分析材料的透光属性及建构的相关认知,通过分类 归纳并结合案例分析,分别总结出材料透明、建构透明的设计手法; 第三部分,为第五章:主要介绍透明表皮的表现手法,提出透明表皮的几种 主要表现特征,从表现手法的角度进行探索,通过层层深入、步步跌进的思路模 式,总结出实现建筑透明表现特征的设计手法; 第四部分,为第六章结语部分:总结概括文本的研究成果,并提出不足与缺 陷,对改方向的研究寄予希望。 关键词:建筑表皮,透明性,材料,建构,表现手法 英文摘要 英文摘要 重庆大 重庆大学硕士学位论文 III III PAGE PAGE IV ABSTRACT Transparency as a visual and spatial feature of the building is always with the development of the building. Since Kelin Luo proposed transparency classical architectural theory, transparent building are constantly emerging. Domestic research on transparency is late, and research largely confined to aesthetic performance and less construction theory, rather than design methods. With the rapid development of technology and the advent of the digital age, transparency surface is in novel way to respond to the development, and open new directions of architecture development in the Information Age. This article attempts to summary the skills of expression of architecture surface, and establish a positive response to the design concept and awareness of the times, guide practice of transparent architecture, and expand architecture transparency theory . This paper uses a classification induction, case analysis, charting, summarized and other research methods, and the paper is divided into three parts, six chapters: The first part includes the first and second chapter: Retrospection and Conclusion of the transparent surface background, theory, the development process are made. And then form perspective of the formation HYPERLINK /search?q=logicamp;keyfrom=E2Ctrans



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