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Comparative Revlew between Schools Education
Protectlon to Minor Students and the Guardlanship WITH Thelr Guardlans
Guardianship is long-standing; it has been protected legally since the beginning of
ancient Rome law. After World War !I, guardianship system of national minors had become general tendency to different countries guardi创1Ship syst臼丑,
The guardianship system of our country,sprouted 企om family life. Though it has been stipulated by various laws today,there is a great deal of questions of it,and one
of the hot issue 缸咀ong them is the guardianship between school and minor student
that aroused different perspectives academically. And only one current law has
stipulated the obligations of school to educate,manage ,and protect minor students. The provision only testified that school is not the gu缸dian of mínor studen毡, nor
stipulated the concrete duty and obligation ,so that some scholars stíll discussed about it. For 由is,1 analyze the protection obligation of school to minor students,and the range of oblígations of schools education,management ,protection ,and the division
of schools obligation from the guardíanship 仕.om diffetent points of view. So that to fulfill the aims of clarifying the relationships between school and minor students and
accomplishing due process ofhandling students injure The paper divides into four parts.
The first p缸t introduces guardianships definition ,development and defines the
papers range of research.
The second part is development of guardi扭曲ip system of foreígn countries. The paper investigates guardianship systems of foreígn countries that come from different
Jegal fields,summarizes their provísíons of the relationship between schools and
minor students in order to consult it as experience on ensuring the legal relatíonship of our country between schools and minor students
The third part of the paper is the core of this paper. According to the previous parts ,
it draws the p
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