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摘 要
长期以来,我国桥梁工程界重技术分析、轻运营管理的问题十分突出,大多数 桥梁在竣工验收投入运营后,后续的运营管理工作严重滞后,管理手段落后,管理 技术粗放,造成桥梁耐久性低、服务寿命短,严重影响结构正常服务功能的发挥, 给社会造成了巨大的经济负担。公路桥梁全寿命周期成本分析就是针对目前在役桥 梁退化严重,运营维护成本过高而提出的一种全新的理念。本文在国内外现有研究 的基础上,借鉴国内外先进研究成果,初步建立了一套针对新建公路桥梁的全寿命 周期成本分析框架,主要做了以下几方面工作:
首先,对桥梁全寿命周期成本分析的国内外研究情况进行了比较全面的了解。 着重研究了美国联邦公路局(FHWA)的“道路设计中的全寿命周期成本分析”手册以 及美国交通研究委员会(TRB)的 NCHRP 483 号报告—桥梁全寿命周期成本分析。
其次,研究了公路桥梁全寿命周期成本分析的理论。着重研究了公路桥梁全寿 命周期成本分析流程和重点。
然后,研究了公路桥梁全寿命周期成本构成及计算理论。考虑桥梁规划、设计、 建造直至桥梁最后退出服务、拆除整个周期,分别对机构成本、用户成本、环境成 本、风险成本进行了详细的定义和分析,建立了各项成本的计算理论。
最后,运用公路桥梁全寿命周期成本理论,对三种不同结构材料的桥梁方案进 行了案例分析,并提出了对今后研究工作的建议。
关键词:公路桥梁 全寿命周期 机构成本 用户成本 环境成本 风险成本
In the past, the problem that we only pay attention to the technical analysis of bridge engineering but neglect the operation and management is very prominent in china for a long time. most of the bridges are severely lack of the following management after the completion, which is resulted in low durability and a short service life, seriously affects the function of normal service of the structure and brings to the community a huge financial burden. HBLCCA (Highway Bridge Life-Cycle Cost Analysis) is a new concept, which is In response to the severe deterioration and too high operation and maintenance costs of the In-service bridges. In this paper, based on the existing researches, drawing on the advanced domestic and foreign research results, a set of life-cycle cost analysis framework for new highway bridges has been initially established. The mail work in this thesis is described as follows:
First of all, The thesis has studied the domestic and foreign researches on BLCCA (Bridge Life-Cycle Cost Analysis), which is focused on the Life-Cycle Cost Analysis in
Pavement Design of the U.S. Federal Highway (FHWA) and the NCHRP 483 report—
Bridge Life-Cycle Cost Analysis, which is published by the U.S. Transportation Research Board (TRB) .
Secondly, The thesis has studied the HBLCCA (Highway Bridge Life-Cycle Cost Analysis) theory, which is focused o
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