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西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 工程项目成本控制研究 专 业: 建筑与土木工程 硕 士 生: 翁 仕 海 指导教师: 薛建阳 教授 杨金柱 教授 工程成本控制是工程项目三大控制(成本控制、质量控制、进度控制)之一, 是施工项目成败与否、盈利与否的关键。当前我国建筑市场已趋饱和,竞争十分 激烈,利润呈逐年下降的趋势。加入 WTO 以后,建筑施工企业面临越来越激烈的 市场竞争形势,这种竞争不仅来自国内而且更多的是来自国外。建筑施工企业要 在新一轮的市场竞争中立于不败之地,就必须适应发展变化的市场竞争环境,培 育自己的核心竞争力,核心竞争力的核心就是低成本战略。 本文在分析建筑工程项目成本控制时,发现当前的成本控制存在着很多问题, 如理论技术与实际运用相结合难的问题。通过借鉴挣值理论与曲线法技术,分析 了项目成本控制存在的问题,以及如何解决项目施工中对成本控制产生影响的多 种因素,克服了其他一些研究的不足。本文所采用的项目成本控制方法是对项目 的进度、成本控制研究的一种改进,是项目施工过程控制标准的基本尺度。 本文结合某公司施工的具体实例,对项目成本控制进行了运用,证明了对项 目成本控制所研究方法的实际操作性。 关键词:施工项目;成本控制;方法研究 A Research on the Cost Control of Engineering Project Specialty:Architecture and Civil Engineering Name:Weng Shihai Instructor:Prof. Xue Jianyang Prof. Yang Jinzhu Abstract The cost control of the engineering project is one of the three major controls, and it is the key factor to measure whether the project under construction is successful or not.Currently,Chinas construction market has become saturated and with fierce competition ,so its benefits tend to decline year by year.After becoming a member of the WTO,the construction enterprises face the situation of more and more fierce market competition,not only does this competition come from the domestic ,but also from the abroad.If the construction market want to be not failed,they must adapt themselves to the development and change of market competition environment and foster their own core competitiveness whose core is the strategy of reducing cost. It is found that the current cost control exists many problems, while making an analysis of the project cost control of engineering construction. Such as the problem of combining the theroy with practical application technology. Through using earned value theory and the curve method technoloty, the problem can be solved and some other limitations of study also can be overcome. Earned value analysis has been invited to measure and plan the workload of the budget costs, the actual costs of the finished ,and the budget costs of the finishe



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