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华北电力大学〈北京〉硕士学位论文擒获 飞f 608 5Z 摘要 大用户直购电模式是电力市场改革中引入的一种新型购电模式,它 不但能进一步挖掘电力市场潜力,更重要的是在售电侧引入竞争机制步 完善电价形成机制?以价格信号合理配置电力资源。 本文借鉴了国外直购电开展的经验,结合中国电力市场化改革方向, 论述了大用户直购电模式中的重点和难点问题?包括直购电模式与电网 安全性问题,大用户电价现状及问题,直购电中的输电阻塞管理及阻塞 分摊?直购电输电过网费计算 F 直购电与建设自备电厂的经济性比较, 直购电监管问题、信用问题和结算间题。本文对大用户直购电上述问题 的研究及结论,为大用户直购电模式在我国的广泛应用提供了有益参考。 关键词:电力市场,大用户直购电,直购电价萝模式 ABSTRACT The dìrect power purchase pa忧ern for lárge user ís a new purchase pa忧ern during the reform of electric nlarketization ìn China. Not only can ?t mine the potentia1 power market, but ít could 1n甘oduce the conlpetition mechanism on the side of sale,perfect the mechanism of electric pricing and reasonably assemble the power resources on the base of price. Reference to the experiments of intemational direct powerpurchωe pa口erns and the revolution direction of Chlnese electric market,the paper studies some important and hard problems in the pa忧em of direct powerpurchase for large use乙 which indude the relationship of the direct power-purchase pa饥ern and po\ver-grid safety,the problems of large users recently líst price,the congestion management and congestion cost distribution,the wheeling cost of direct power-purchase) the economic comparison between the direct powerpurchase pa忧em and the construction of the self-supply power plant for large user,the management of supervision ,credit and balancing the account. The research and its conclusìons ?n this paper on direct power-purchase for large user wiU provide a beneficial reference to develop?ng and extensive application ofthe direct powerpurchase pa忧ern for large user in China. Xiang Zhen(Management Scìence and Engineering) Directed by prof. Qi Ji创lXUfl KEY WORDS: power market,tbe direct power-purcbase for the large user,the price of d?rect powel、purcb忿se啻 pattern 华北电力大学(北京〉硕士学位论文 第一章绪论 , 1. 1 我国提出直购电的背景和意义 1.1.1 亘购电在我国产生的背景 1、大用户市场意识增加,要求获得广泛的买电选择权。 目前电网对大用户企业电价还存在着严重交叉补贴,大用户目录电价不能真实 反映供电成本,大用户企业希望通过直购电获得有效的买电权力,消除强加在身上 的交叉补贴,得到一定降价空间,从而减少生产成本,增强企业的市场竞争力。在 电力市场中,面对己不符合电


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