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摘要 摘 要 I I 摘 要 局部正则性理论是非线性椭圆型偏微分方程和方程组解的正则性理论中的重要研 究内容。本文研究带有平流项和低阶项的二阶散度型椭圆方程 ??divA(x, u, Du) ??divg(x, u) ??h(x, u) ??divF (x) ??f (x) 。 在关于算子 A : ????R ??R n ??R 的强制性条件和控制增长条件,平流项 g : ????R ??R n 的 控制增长条件和低阶项 h(x, u), F (x), f (x) 的适当增长条件下,得到了各向同性和各向异 性解的局部正则性结果。这些结果可以看成是 Giachetti, Porzio 结果的推广。 关键词 局部正则性 二阶散度型椭圆方程 平流项 低阶项 各向同性 各向异性。 Ab Abstract II II Abstract Local regularity property is important among the regularity theories of nonlinear elliptic PDEs and systems. In the present paper, we study elliptic equations of divergence type with advection and lower-order terms ??divA(x, u, Du) ??divg(x, u) ??h(x, u) ??divF (x) ??f (x) . Local regularity results are obtained under the coercivity and controllable growth conditions on the operator A : ????R ??R n ??R , the controllable growth conditions on the advection term g : ????R ? R n  , and appropreate conditions on the lower-order terms h(x, u), F (x), f (x) . These results can be regarded as generalizations of the corresponding results due to Giachetti and Porzio. Keywords Local regularity Second order elliptic equation of divergence type Advectionr term Lower-order term Isotropic Anisotropic. 目 目 录 I III 目 录 摘 要 . . . . I Abst r act . . . . II 第 1 章 引言 . . . . . . . .. 1 第 2 章 各向同性解的局部正则性 . . . 2 第 3 章 各向异性解的局部正则性 . . . 8 参考文献 . . . . 17 致 谢 . . . . 18 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文 . . . 19 第一章 第一章 引言 - - Chapter 1 Introduction This paper deals with local regularity theory for weak solutions to divergence type ellitic equation with advection and lower-order terms. Local regularity property is important among the regularity theories of nonlinear elliptic PDEs and systems. We refer the readers to some classical monographs for some regularity theory of elliptic PDEs, such as “Regularity results for nonlinear elliptic systems and applications” by Bensoussan A and Frehse J., “Multiple integrals in the calculus of variations and nonlinear el



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