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上海 上海师范大学硕士学位论文 摘要 人类不断增加的消费欲和不为回收考虑的设计使得地球的资源面临很大的挑战。要 如何在合理的情况下解决这两者之间的问题。就成为一个当代设计工作者的首要任务和 职责。 “废弃自行车材质再设计应用研究”作为毕业设计的一个尝试,目的是使得设计发 展与环境保护之间可以找到一个可持续发展的道路,在遵循“物尽其用”的前提下,实 现尽可能少的自然资源被浪费在这个过程中,通过对相关理论的学习,整理出一些重要 的思想,并试着以这些思想指导自己的创作实践。这些思想分别是一些有关再设计的理 论、有关解构主义的理论、有关 3R 的思想,在文中阐述了再设计思想的发展与起源,为 本文提供理论依据;通过实际案例的分析,以作为对废弃产品再设计提供理论依据;结 合国内外设计实例分析了再设计思想在实践中的应用; 运用 3R 原则+结构主义+再设计思想,重新审视身边的废弃资源。并具体实践了在废 弃材料方面的设计和制作;在具体的设计过程中探讨了废旧产品再设计的分类与方法, 理解分类中“解”的含义,在这个具体制作产品的过程中,从简单的产品设计到形成带 有某种观念的设计,逐步对废弃产品(废弃自行车)的材质、形态、机理等各种造型元 素有了重新的认识。 通过实践过程完善废弃产品再设计思想并提出可行性的建议。 关键词:3R、废弃产品、再设计、解、 Abstract The desire of the human material life, the liberation of the mode of production and the excessive consumption led by the design, all of which make the environmental ecosystem overwhelmed, causing the dual pressures of resources and the environment. How to solve the contradiction between human and environment and resources becomes a primary task and responsibility of contemporary designers. Abandoned bicycle material design research and application of it is one of my attempts to better alleviate the contradictory relationship between designers are facing development and environmental resources, in advocate under the design principle of docking , and ultimately material resources can be recycled. In this process, through the study of relevant theory, some important ideas, and try to guide their own creative practice. These thoughts are some of the design theory, the deconstruction theory, the 3R idea, in this paper describes the redesign the origin and development of the thought of, as of waste product re design provides a theoretical basis; combined with the domestic and foreign design as an example to analyze the re design thought in the practice application; By using the principle of 3R + structure + re design, re examining the abandoned resources. And the concrete practice of the waste materials in the design and production; waste product re design the classification and methods were discusse



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