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PAGE PAGE 5 摘 要 新的《企业破产法》针对工资优先权与担保物权的冲突,采取了“分界式” 的处理方式。学界对此问题的研究大多从民法或劳动法学角度考察,并以工资债 权人的“弱势人”假设为逻辑起点,来论证国家干预及工资优先权优先效力的正 当性基础。笔者认为,这对于为保护劳动者合法权益的法律制度提供强有力的法 理支撑来说是不够的。应该以“劳动人”假设为论证的逻辑起点,通过对经济法 强调的兼顾整体经济利益与个体经济利益的具体阐释,来解释这一法律现象。具 体而言,一方面,工资债权作为一种特殊债权,其特殊性在于其权利基础——劳 动力权是一种新的法权形态,其是在关注人的生存利益之基础上,更为强调人的 发展利益的权利形态。劳动力所有者的生存,不仅仅对劳动者有意义,而且它的 存在也是剩余价值源泉的存在,即是财产权人的财产保值和增值的必备条件,无 论财产的保值还是增值都需要人的劳动力通过劳动来使它得以实现。因此,它比 担保物权的保障更重要。另一方面,个体经济利益的实现还要与整体经济利益的 发展相协调。经济法具有的平衡协调功能是经济法不同于传统公私法的又一重要 区别。“分界式”立法设计实际上就是经济法兼顾各方利益之结果。 从经济法学角度研究工资优先权的理论意义表现在,首先,有利于拓展对传 统债的概念的理解。其次,有利于促进经济法的价值、理念、宗旨等经济法学相 关领域的研究。再次,研究工资优先权有助于保护劳动者权益的相关部门法之间 的相互协调。在实践意义方面,将有助于国家对劳动力资源的保护与利用以及劳 动者本人劳动力损耗的再恢复与再提高。另外,亦有助于为司法过程中正确处理 破产实务中遇到的难点问题提供新的思考维度。 关键词:经济法;新破产法;劳动力;工资优先权 Abstract New Bankruptcy Law adopts the method of severance to deal with the conflict between wage priority and security interest. Assuming wage creditors are disadvantaged persons, scholars demonstrate the validity of the State interference and the effectiveness of wage priority from the perspectives of Civil Law and Labor Law, which, in the author’s opinion, is far from providing a strong jurisprudence support for legal system of labors’ lawful interest protection. This phenomenon should be explained through the concrete illumination about the integration of individual and overall interests stressed in Economic Law, with the hypothesis of Laboring Person as a reasoning starting point. To be concrete, wage creditors’ right, on one hand, is a kind of special creditors’ right, whose particularity lies in its right basis, that is, labor force right which ,as a new legal right form, pays more attention to the development interests of human beings, based on their survival interests. The survival of the owners of labor force means much to laborers and also means survival of the source of surplus value, in other words, is essential to maintenance and appreciation of property value which is realized only by labor force. Therefore, wage creditors’ r



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