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去几年成为了世界经济的重要支柱,但是成本上升,尤其是人力资源成 本的上升在这个区域越来越尖锐,如何保留住核心团队也成为每个企业 一个重要的课题。 本文通过研究帝斯曼工程塑料公司亚太区的业务情况,分析业务结 构和区域特点,微观上完成三个目的,一是结构上简化帝斯曼工程塑料 的供应链,降低供应链组织成本,提升公司在行业内的核心竞争力。二 是有目的的整合供应链,实现更大的规模效应,降低产品成本,这可以 提高公司在行业内的竞争力,也可以提高整个行业对于其它行业的竞争 力。三是设计出符合行业发展需要的供应链,通过打造专注供应链组织, 提高供应链响应速度,通过设计不同门槛的供应链策略,使企业业务能 够有目的性地在某些区域或规格上高速增长,使公司在今后的市场竞争 中能够占得先机,引领整个市场,提高品牌效应,建立供应链核心竞争 力,实现可持续发展。宏观上本文整理了帝斯曼工程塑料公司在企业发 展过程中所遇到的问题与机遇,用一些经典的供应链理论和现代的供应 链方法相结合的方式进行分析,在现有供应链模式的基础上加以改进, 希望所提出的方式方法能够为工程塑料领域的供应链设计提供一些借鉴 作用。 关键词: 供应链管理,整合,可持续发展 DSM ENGINEERING PLASTICS ASIA PACIFIC SUPPLY CHAIN OPTIMIZATION INVESTIGATION ABSTRACT Engineering plastics is one of the outcomes of modern science and technology. This industry is developing very very fast in the past 10 to 15 years. But every industry has it’s characteristics. It is bringing some issues and challenges when people are still existing about it’s amazing development. For example: The market is changing very fast. The efficiency of original supply chain organization is very low,So it not only can’t serve the market very well but also the supply chain unit cost is high, It brings down the competition of the company and the whole industry. Further more, Engineering plastics is a heavy assets industry. The investment at the beginning is very heavy, the return period is very long. Once you enter this industry, It will be very costive if you want to withdraw afterwards. But on the other hand, The size of the business impacts the unit cost very heavy. The bigger you are, the lower unit cost you can enjoy. So the business size need to be expanded effectively. You will absolutely suffer from the cost stress if you invest too much without real demand. And you will absolutely loose the opportunity to expand the business if you invest too late, You will loose competition to the other companies. However the downstream industries of engineering plastics are automotive, mobile, computers and food packages etc..The life cycle of these kind of products are becomin



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