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摘 要
本篇硕士学位论文主要是应用 Galerkin 方法和 Hodge 分解理论研究满足一类 特殊 N avier ? Slip 型边界条件的 M HD ? α 方程. 我们获得了对任意初值 H1 解的 整体存在性, 并且还讨论了弱解的正则性, 在本论文的最后我们还讨论了 M HD ? α 方程的弱解当 α → 0+ 时收敛于 M HD 方程的解. 本文分五章叙述.
第一章介绍本文所讨论的主要问题和研究思想, 以及国内外研究的动态.
第二章给出了本文的记号约定和基本概念, 以及我们在论文中将要用到的重要 方法和经典结果.
第三章讨论 M HD ? α 方程. 在第一节, 我们应用 Hodge 分解理论证明非线性 项与 N avier ? Slip 型边值条件的相容性. 在第二节, 我们给出了一些先验估计. 在第 三节, 我们主要讨论了在三维情况下, 运用 Galerkin 方法证明了弱解的存在性. 在 第四节, 我们主要讨论了解的正则性. 在第五节, 我们主要讨论了 M HD ? α 方程当 α → 0+ 时的收敛性问题.
第四章总结我们所做的工作, 指出以后还可以继续研究的问题.
关键词: Galerkin 方法; Hodge 分解; M HD ? α 方程; 弱解; 强解.
In this thesis, we study the Magnetohydrodynamic-α models in a bounded smooth domain of R3,with slip boundary condition by Galerkin method and Hodge Decomposi- tion theory. We obtain the global weak solution of H1 solution for arbitrary initial data and the regularity of the weak solution. Finally we discuss that as the length scale α tends to zero, a subsequence of solutions of the M HD ? α equations converges to a certain so- lution of the three-dimensional M HD equations. In the light of contents, this thesis is divided into four chapters.
The first chapter is to introduce the main problem that we are concerned and the development of the problem in the in domestic and foreign.
In the second chapter, We introduce notations, some important theorems and several classical results that will be used in the following proofs.
In the third chapter, We consider the M HD ? α equations. In §3.1 We show the
nonlinearity in M HD ? α equations to match with the boundary condition smoothly;In
§3.2 we prove some priori estimates; In §3.3 we discuss the existence of H1 solution for arbitrary initial data; In §3.4 we discuss the regularity of the above weak solution; In
§3.5 we discuss that as the length scale α tends to zero, a subsequence of solutions of the M HD ? α equations converges to a certain solution of the three-dimensional M HD
The fourth chapter summaries the work done by us and points ou
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