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PAGE PAGE 5 responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages (Emmert, 1996). Although there is disputation about the definition of listening comprehension, most researchers (e.g. Richards, 1983; Anderson Lyneh, 1988; Rost, 1990) agree that any definition of listening comprehension must acknowledge that many processes work together in an interactive,overlapping and simultaneous fashion. Vandergrift (1999) claims that listening comprehension is anything but a passive activity. It is a complex, active process in which the listener must discriminate between sounds, understand vocabulary and grammatical structures, interpret stress and intonation, retain what was gathered in all of the above, and interpret it within the immediate as well as the larger socio-cultural context of the utterance. Since listening comprehension is a complex, multiple-process activity, we have to make out the process of listening comprehension next. The Process of Listening Comprehension Listening comprehension is a complex, covert activity. Various models have been constructed to interpret the process of listening comprehension. The following part reviews some representative models. Psychological Model of Listening Comprehension Listening comprehension can be viewed as a process of information processing, which comprises linguistic knowledge, including phonological, lexical, syntactic, semantic, discourse knowledge, and non-linguistic knowledge, including general knowledge and beliefs about the world. Many experimental psychologists have tried to describe the stages of this information processing, Clark and Clark’s (1977) were among the first of them. Their process goes as follows: They [the listeners] take in the raw speech and retain a phonological representation of it in “working memory”. They immediately attempt to organize the phonological representation into “constituents”, identifying their content and function. As they identify each constituent, they use it to construct underlying pro



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