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万方数据 万方数据 低压断路器长延时检测调节装置微型化的结构设计及研究 摘 要 本课题组针对本学院研发的一体化螺钉螺母调节锁紧装置再结合人民电器厂进 一步提高该装置生产效率的要求,对该装置进行微型化,设计出第二代装置,第二代 装置在使用中出现了,套筒退出时有粘塞现象、移动框架移动不稳定、定位系统定位 不精确且多工位加工时容易发生干涉现象等问题。本文拟在第二代研究基础上今后采 用理论联系实际的方法在实践中逐步解决以上问题,研究设计出第三代装置。本文根 据该装置中移动框架要实现的功能,运用现代设计方法,借助计算机辅助设计技术, 基于三维实体造型以有限元分析、机械优化设计等现代分析手段为支撑通过有限元技 术和虚拟样机技术分析移动框架的受力状况和运动情况,优化设计移动框架内各个机 构,使设计的移动框架达到了操作控制简便、工作平稳、使用寿命长的目的,为了实 现预定位系统的准确性,本文采用了计算机仿真与实验相结合的方法,通过仿真结果 与实验数据的对比找到了两者结果基本吻合的预定位节点,为以后的实验节省了大量 的时间和费用,并且达到准确预定位的目的,并初步设计了改进装置的控制过程。 关 键 词 :结构设计,运动仿真,有限元分析,预定位系统,塑壳断路器 。 I Low Voltage Circuit Breaker Long Time Delay Test Adjusting Device Miniaturization Structure Design And Research ABSTRACT Our group adjusting nut locking device combined with Peoples Electric Factory for the integration of research and development of the Academy screws further improve production efficiency requirements of the device, the device miniaturization, the design of a second-generation device, a second-generation device in use prone to interference and other problems, and there are sticky Cypriot phenomenon sleeve quit, move the frame to move unstable positioning system location imprecise and multi-station machining. This paper, based on the second generation study of theory and practice in the future method of research in practice gradually solve the above problems designed third-generation devices. Based on this device mobile framework to achieve the function, the use of modern design methods, computer-aided design techniques to finite element analysis based on 3D solid modeling, optimization design of modern analytical tools and other machinery to support moves by the finite element analysis and virtual prototyping technology framework force status and movement, optimize the various agencies within the design of mobile framework that enables mobile framework designed to achieve operational control is simple, smooth, long service life purpose, in order to ach



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