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硕 士 学 位 论 文 分期付款买卖标的物的强制执行 Installment buying and selling the subject matter of enforcement 作 者 姓 名: 葛瑞兰 指 导 教 师: 肖晖 副教授 西 南 政 法 大 学 Southwest University of Political Science and Law 内 内容摘要 1 1 2 2 分期付款买卖作为信用经济的形式之一,其在现代市场中占据着重要的地位。分期 付款的支付形式逐渐成为我国消费市场的主要支付方式。对于这种特种买卖方式,我国 除《合同法》第 167 条外很少有涉及,在处理分期特种买卖时只能应用普通买卖的规定。 凭借对分期特种买卖合同中法律关系的分析,以及对日本、德国以及台湾地区相关规定 的考察,认识到我国分期付款买卖合同法律规定的不足。本文中分期付款买卖标的物的 归属存在两种情形:卖方保留标的物所有权时标的物归属于出卖人所有;双方未作约定 时标的物由买受人与出卖人共有。以这两种情形出发分别阐述其法律关系、强制执行存 在的一系列问题以及强制执行的相关救济。所有权保留时能否执行属于出卖人的财产以 及如何进行救济;买受人与出卖人共有时,共有财产执行归向何方以及如何对共有一方 实施救济。针对执行救济以及第三人等一系列制度,我国对此规定的不尽完善,甚至对 债务人异议之诉根本没有规定。因此,需要完善分期付款买卖标的物强制执行的相关规 定,以促进该类买卖关系所引起纠纷的解决,发挥法律规制社会主义市场经济的刚性作 用,以推动分期付款买卖交易蓬勃发展。 关键词:分期付款买卖;标的物;所有权保留;共有;强制执行;执行救济 Abs Abstract 1 1 2 2 A sale by installment payment is a manifestation of the credit economy, has gradually become the main mode of payment of durable consumer goods market in china. Our country except the contract law article 167th are still few provisions, the provisions of contracts applicable only presumed practice. The installment sale contract is a kind of special contracts of sale, in the application of the law is only applicable provisions of contracts inevitably have limitations. Especially a lot of chattel installment sale popularity, more is a challenge to the current law of our country. Based on the analysis of installment sales contract legal relationship, and the investigation of Japan, Germany and the relevant provisions of the Taiwan area of our country, to realize that our installment sale contract law deficiency. In this paper, the installment sale the award there are two kinds of situations: The subject matter of the seller retains the ownership of the subject matter belong to the seller; The two sides not agreed when the seller by the buyer and the seller have Co. Related relief with this two kinds of situation separately the article elaborates its legal relationship, a series of problems of the compulsory execution and compulsory executi



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