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摘 要
摘 要
我国村民自治制度的建立为农民民主权利的实现提供了基本制度框架和重要途径, 它推进了农村的民主化进程,调动了广大农民的政治热情,促进了农村社会特别是农村 经济的改革与发展,但在实践中也遇到一些困难和问题,不断完善以民主选举、民主决 策、民主管理、民主监督为基本内容的村民自治制度,着力推进村级民主建设,才能更 好地适应农村经济社会发展的需要。
在硕士研究生学习期间,始终关注我国村民自治制度的最新研究成果,同时,作为 一名农村基层工作者,也一直结合自身的学习收获和工作实践,积极参与探索完善村民 自治制度的一些活动。
随着对村民自治制度的日益关注和农村工作实践的不断深入,认真分析、探讨村民 自治面临的问题以及发展的方向,显得重要而紧迫。笔者试从分析村民自治的基本概况 入手,结合清苑县赵庄村村民自治的实践及成效,对村民自治面临的主要问题进行探讨, 以求为新形势下完善村民自治制度,为推进村民自治建设提供一些思路和措施。
关键词 村民自治 农村经济 乡村关系 两委关系 宗族
The establishment of village autonomy system provide the basic institutional framework and an important way for the achievement of the farmers’ democracy rights, it promotes the democratization course of countryside, mobilizes the great mass of peasants political enthusiasm, promotes the reform and development of rural society, especially the rural economy, but encounters some difficulties and problems in practice, in order to better meet the need of rural economic and social development, we need to constantly perfect the democratic election, democratic decision-makings , democratic managements, democratic supervision as the basic contents of the villager autonomy system, focus on promoting the construction of village democracy,
During my postgraduate study, I pay close attention to the latest research results about the villager autonomy system all along,meanwhile, as a rural grass-roots worker ,I have been actively participated in exploring and perfecting some activities of the villagers autonomy system combined with my study harvest and work practice.
With the increasing attention to the villagers autonomy system and the constant ,t horough rural work practice, it is important and urgent for us to analyze and discuss the problems and the direction of development about villagers autonomy. The author tries to start from the analysis of the basic general situation of villagers autonomy, combined with the practice and effect of Hebei province Zhao village villagers autonomy, discusses the main problems
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