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华 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 IV IV I I 摘 要 近年来复杂网络已受到科学界和工程界各个领域的广泛关注,随着计算机技术和 网络理论高速发展,复杂网络已成为一个新的研究热点。在现实生活中存在着大量的 复杂网络,如 Internet,万维网,新陈代谢网,社会网,能源供应网络,交通网,信 息网,金融网等,这些网络与我们的日常生活密切相关。研究复杂网络的动态行为, 如稳定性和同步等,对于人们深刻理解和应用复杂网络具有重要的理论和实际意义。 本文首先介绍了复杂动态网络的相关概念和复杂动态网络的建模、分析与控制的 研究进展。分析了近年来国内外关于复杂动态网络同步问题的相关研究结果,探讨了 网络结构对同步动力学的影响。本文研究了几类复杂动态网络上的同步问题,主要包 括具有线性耦合项的复杂动态网络的同步,具有非线性耦合项的复杂动态网络的同 步,带定常时延的复杂动态网络的同步以及具有时变时延的复杂动态网络的局部同 步。借助于 Lyapunov 函数、不等式缩放、线性矩阵不等式等方法技巧,得到了这几 种不同类型复杂网络实现同步状态的条件。本文利用 MATLAB 软件的 LMI 工具箱对 文中所给的 LMI 条件进行数值求解,仿真例子说明了该方法和理论结果的有效性。 最后对整个工作进行了总结。 关键字:复杂网络,时延,同步,稳定性 II II Abstract Complex network has caused a considerable interest in the study of science and engineering, with the rapid development of computer science and network theory, which becomes a new researching focus in recent years. The so-called complex network is a big network which is provided with complex topology and behavior, and is a map which is comprised of brims’ mutual joints by a great deal of nodes. Because a lot of complex networks exist in our daily life, such as Internet, WWW, metabolic network, social network, energy-supplying network, transportation network, information network, finance network and so on, all of those are greatly associated with daily life. As far as physician, one of the terminal goals about researching complex network is to understand the impact on physical process which is caused by network topology. Synchronous phenomenon also is an important researching task. The conceptions of complex network, modeling of complex dynamical network, and its analysis and control are introduced in the thesis.Correlative researching outcomes recently at home and abroad concerning synchronous issues about complex dynamical network have been analyzed, the impacts on synchronism dynamics which are produced by network structure have been discussed. This thesis has clearly analyzed synchronous issues of various types of complex networks, which mainly contain synchronization o



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