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上海交通大学硕士学位论文摘 上海交通大学硕士学位论文 摘 要 第 第 II 页 研究结果表明,与东河口滑坡实际调查的抛射飞行距离相比较,考虑 气垫效应的飞行距离更加接近滑坡的实际情况。由于气垫效应的影响,使 得高速滑体在空中的飞行时间更长,飞行距离更远。本文的研究内容,初 步揭示了地震触发高速远程滑坡的动力特征和运动规律,为地震灾区的防 灾减灾工作提供科学依据。 本课题研究得到了国家自然科学基金项目(NO的经费资助。 关键词:高速远程滑坡,地震,气垫效应,数值风洞,数值分析 上海交通大学硕士学位论文AB 上海交通大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT 第 第 PAGE IV 页 STUDY ON AIR CUSHION EFFECT OF HIGH-SPEED AND LONG-RUNOUT LANDSLIDE TRIGGERED BY EARTHQUAKE ABSTRACT On May 12, 2008, an 8.0 M earthquake struck Wenchuan county, Sichuan province of China, causing a huge number of death and injuries, and great loss of properties. Due to the extremely high magnitude, long duration of vibration and complicated geo-environment in disastrous area, the earthquake triggered a huge number of rockfalls and landslides. Especially the high-speed and long-runout landslide, based on the air cushion effect, produced extremely severe geohazards. Based on the Donghekou landslide, which was the typical high-speed and long-runout landslide triggered by Wenchuan earthquake, using numerical wind tunnel test and numerical analysis method, this thesis has researched air cushion effect of high-speed and long-runout landslide. The research work and results involves several aspects as follows: Using the Fluent program, which is the Computational Fluid Dynamics software, the author simulates a former wind tunnel test model. By contrasting the numerical results with the previous entity model test results, the comparison is very satisfactory. The numerical model wind tunnel experiment aimed at air cushion effect of Donghekou high-speed and long-runout landslide has been accomplished. On the base of numerical testing research, the paper studies different factors which influence the air cushion effect of flying landslide. The paper puts forwards the differential equations in the course of flying of large high-speed landslide. Using numerical wind tunnel test results and numerical analysis method, this thesis has researched movement law of high-speed landslide af


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