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摘要 摘 要 I I 摘 要 在我国东南沿海的台风重灾省份中,分布着大面积的丘陵山地,建造在复杂 的山体地形上的低矮建筑普遍在抗风性能设计方面未引起足够的重视。其在建造 地点上所具有的不同地形地貌特征,使其风场条件各不相同。在台风来时,受到 特殊地形对风场的负面作用,加大了结构损坏的可能性,易造成严重的人员伤亡 及经济损失。通过研究复杂山体地形下低矮建筑表面风荷载作用效应,来揭示山 地风场特性、建筑表面风压分布规律、风向角及山丘体型参数的变化对建筑表面 风压的影响,从而指导工程实践,十分有现实意义。 本文根据国内外对台风灾害的研究资料,对山地丘陵地区低矮民房风灾特点 进行了归纳总结;对 CFD 数值模拟基本理论及技术作了较为详细的论述;对正弦 山丘模型轮廓函数进行了研究,定义了山丘形状因子 R、山高 Hm、截面参数 L 之 间的关系,使其能够较好地描述山丘的几何外形;采用 CFD 数值模拟的方法,提 出了该类数值风洞模拟问题计算域大小设定的参考建议。 通过对三种不同体型参数组合的山丘进行大量的数值模拟,研究了山丘周围 的风场特性,受山丘影响后低矮建筑表面风压分布规律;总结了风向角的影响规 律,找出了对抗风较不利的风向角;对这些不利风向角下的影响因子随体型参数 变化规律进行了总结,得出山丘地形下的低矮建筑表面风荷载效应主要受山丘高 度影响的结论,并总结了在较危险的风向角下低矮建筑表面风荷载体型系数影响 因子随山高变化规律实用拟合公式,可以为相应低矮建筑抗风防灾设计提供参 考,对实际工程予以指导。 关键词:山体地形,低矮房屋,建筑风荷载,CFD 数值模拟,风场特性 ABSTRACT ABSTRACT II II ABSTRACT The southeast coastal provinces of our country which are Hard- hit by the typhoon disaster are distributed large areas of the mountainous and hilly. The Low-rise housing in the complicated mountain terrain is not caused enough attention at the performance of the design of wind resistance generally. The wind conditions of the low-rise housing in the mountain terrain are different because they have the characteristics of different landforms. When the typhoon comes, the possibility of structural damage is increasing by the negative effects of wind in the special topography, and easy to cause serious casualties and economic losses. By analysis of wind load effect of the Low-rise housing in the complicated mountain terrain, this dissertation put forward the law of wind pressure distribution and the influence to roof wind load by wind direction and the size parameters of the hill, and provide a reference for wind-resistant design have practical engineering. Based on the typhoon disasters at domestic and abroad research, this dissertation draw a conclusion of the characteristics of typhoon disaster of the low-rise housing in the mountain terrain; made an exposition of the basic theory of CFD numerical simulation and techniques; established a


peili2018 + 关注


