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关键词:公务员 德性 公正 忠诚 勇气 节制 责任
The Virtue of civil service and the development of civil service system are linked closely. The civil service system was first produced in the United Kingdom, in 1870, the United Kingdom established the most complete, most standard, most systematic system of civil service. Many countries follow after, gradually form a civil service system. Chinas civil service system began in the 1980s. Then exploring and piloting. In 1993, the Provisional Regulations on State Civil Servants promulgated formally, and then the civil service system is full implemented. After the Civil service is produced, the virtue of the civil service is to become one of the key issues to be discussed.
Based on the results of previous studies, I think that in a market economy, democratic politics and other social conditions, the basic virtue of civil servants are justice ,loyalty, courage, moderation, responsibility and so on. Justice asks people not only treat yourself by moral, but also treat others by moral. The virtue of justice is the key to ensure the performance of official duties impartially, this will help to achieve justice of social system. Therefore, justice is primary virtue, and also is the first condition of whether they can perform good public service. The integrity as basic moral of public servants, on the one hand, inherit and develop the traditional quintessence of loyalty, on the other hand take the essence and discard the dregs. Loyalty virtue requests civil servants should loyal to the public interest, national laws, administrative duties and administrative conscience during in the exercise of public authority and management of public affairs activities. Civil servants loyalty can not do without the autonomy of the civil service. The virtue of courage is added to loyalty, and also is another form of loyalty, though the key of courage is innovation, whether it is the implementation of policies or ma
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