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摘 摘 要 I万方数据 I 万方数据 摘要 随着计算机技术的高速发展,复杂网络已经成为一个新的研究课题.在日常生活 中存在着许多网络,如 Internet、社会交际网、交通信息网、食物链网、能源供应 网和金融信息网等,这些网络与我们的日常生活密切相关.研究复杂网络的动力学行 为对人们理解和应用复杂网络有着重要的理论和实际意义.本文主要研究复杂网络之 间的适应性同步和混合性同步问题.关于适应性同步,本文主要研究两个具有导数和 非导数耦合的复杂网络之间的适应性同步,其中一个网络为驱动网络,另一个为响应 网络;关于混合性同步,本文主要研究两个复杂网络的混合外同步.本文利用稳定性 理论来研究同步稳定性,并用软件 MATLAB 数值模拟,验证理论分析结果. 论文主要包括以下几个方面内容: 第一章介绍动力学系统的基本知识和混沌的相关理论知识. 第二章介绍复杂网络和混沌同步的相关知识. 第三章研究两个具有导数和非导数耦合的复杂网络之间的适应性同步.通过设计 适应性控制器使驱动网络和响应网络达到同步.最后,数值模拟验证了理论结果的有 效性. 第四章研究复杂网络的混合外同步.采用适应性控制的方法使得驱动网络和响应 网络达到同步,通过数值模拟验证了该方法的有效性. 第五章对全文进行归纳总结,并对以后的复杂网络研究工作进行展望. 关键词:复杂网络;混沌同步;适应性同步;稳定性 Abstract Abstract II万方数据 II 万方数据 Abstract With the rapid development of computer technologies, the complex network has beco- me a new serious researching topic. In our daily life, there are many networks which are related to us closely, such as the Internet, the social networks, the traffic information networks, the food chain webs, the energy supply networks and the financial information networks. Studying the dynamic behavior of the complex network has important theoretic- al and practical significance in the application of complex network. The adaptive synchron ization and the mixed synchronization between the complex networks is studied in this paper. The theoretical analysis of adaptive synchronization between two complex networks with non-derivative and derivative coupling is addressed in this paper, in which one network is considered as the derive network and the other is considered as the response network; The theoretical analysis of mixed synchronization between two complex network is studied in this paper. The stability theroy is used to study the stability of the synchroniz- ation. The tool of MATLAB is used to verify the result of theoretical analysis. The main content is depicted as follows: The first chapter introduces the basic knowledge of the dynamical systems and the chaos theory. The second chapter introduces the complex networks and the knowledge of chaoti- c synchroniz



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