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上海交通大学MP 上海交通大学MPA学位论文 公益性视野下民办高等教育政府政策扶持的研究——以上海实践为例 II万方数据 II 万方数据 健康发展的重要保证。并基于这个视野,提出政府政策扶持的工作机制 和建议。 本文又以民办高等教育政府政策扶持的典型——上海实践为例,分 析上海政府政策扶持的多项举措。其中,重点就财政扶持的状况和建议 做了一些探讨。 本文的主要意义在于:一方面,从相关理论的角度,引起社会对民 办高等教育的高度重视与平等对待,让公益性前提成为民办高校举办者 的共识;另一方面,通过民办高等教育发展的纵向比较,结合上海实践 的突出案例,为政府进行系统的政策扶持行为提供积极的参考。 关键词:公益性,民办高等教育,政策扶持 PAGE IV PAGE IV 万方数据 Research on The Government’s Policy Support for Private Higher Education in China from the Perspective of Social Welfare ABSTRACT Since the late 1980s, private higher education in China has been booming, and great success has been achieved. The new PRC law on private higher education promotion has been officially issued and implemented since September 1, 2003. In March of the following year, as the state issued the implementation codes for the Private Education Promotion Law, private higher education has become an important component of higher education in China. Compared to public higher education, private higher education shows no significant difference in terms of serving objects and contents, since both of them belong to social welfare and build the components of social education system. However, whether the government officials, private school administrators, or the scholars who pay attention to private higher education field, all think that the current private higher education development still faces many serious problems to break through the bottleneck problems. The generation of these problems, the most important reason is that the governments’ support policies have not been effective implementation. This paper uses the basic theories on public products, private higher education and the new public service shows that private higher education is public welfare undertakings, the government has inevitable responsibility to carry on the policy support the private universities; Through summarizing the general situation and characteristics of the government policy support during the different developmental stages of private highe



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