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Study on Correlation of Dynamic Friction Factor of Highway Pavement A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master Candidate: Gui Zhi Jing Supervisor: Prof. Sha Ai Min Chang’an University, Xi’an,China 摘 要 随着我国经济的发展,公路交通也得到了快速的发展。但是由于人-车-路-环境 之间缺乏协调,公路交通安全成为最为严重的问题之一,致使每年我国交通事故率和死 亡率居高不下,所以道路不仅仅能够满足于通行这一基本要求,更要求公路具有良好的 安全性。良好的路面抗滑性能能够为高速行驶的车辆提供良好的附着性,减少交通事故 隐患。我国高速公路的发展历程时间不长,研究和借鉴国外通用的路面抗滑性能的检测 技术及性能评价指标显着十分必要。目前,业界对路面抗滑性能的检测技术和评价指标 标准尚缺乏足够的认识,因此亟需反思规范中所存在的问题。 本文首先就路面摩擦性能机理及影响因素进行了分析,并针对目前常用的路面抗滑 性能的检测方法和检测设备进行了收集整理,介绍了这些检测设备的工作原理和检测方 法并分析了其优缺点。对现有的路面纹理构造和抗滑性能的检测设备进行了对比分析。 其次本文对动态摩擦系数测定仪(检测值为:DF)与国内常用的摆式摩擦系数仪(检 测值为:BPN)和横向力测试车(检测值为:SFC)的相关性进行了研究。通过一系列 的相关性试验得到:等同速度下 DF 与 SFC 有良好的相关性,不同速度下的 DF 与 SFC 也有良好的相关性。这说明我们可以用已知速度条件下的 DF 值去推算相同或不同速度 下的 SFC 值。 利用现有的检测仪器探讨了路面抗滑性能的衰变规律,分析了不同路面构造深度、 速度下抗滑性能的衰变率;BPN、MTD 和 DF 等评价指标随着交通荷载衰变的规律。 关键词:路面;抗滑性能;检测技术;动态摩擦系数;相关性;衰变; I ABSTRACT With the development of the China economy, highway system was also increased rapidly. But due to the non-harmony of people, vehicle, road and environment, safety problem comes to be the most serious issue in highway transportation, leading to high number and fatality ratio. So, not only transport, but also safety should be required for the highway system. Fine anti-slide performance of pavement can provide hi-speed vehicles with better adhesion performance, and reduce accident probability. Due to the short time of China expressway development, research and reference of general technology for the test and evaluation of anti-slide performance is very important. But till now, the technology and evaluation indices for anti-slide performance was still not research and learned enough in China, so the problems in design and test specifications should be studied and thought over. The performance mechanism of pavement friction and affecting factors were analyzed in this paper firstly, and the common detection methods and equipments for pavement skid-resistant performance were collected, their working princ


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